The sorting hat II

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Chuuya pov

He remembered being prodded awake from a doze that he didn't necessarily remember falling asleep in by Dazai and seeing a middle  aged woman with a cart that contained a bizarre collection of chocolate frogs and other unusual objects and foods.He looked over to see what the others were doing Ron was stalking up on chocolat frogs and cakes with Neville and Ginny while Hermione was taking a type of taffe. Dazai looked just about as confused as I did but took 2 chocolate frogs none the less for us to share.

"Hey Ron, what are these chocolate frog things" Chuuya asked

"Mmm? Oh yeah I forgot you guys aren't used to these types of foods being from japan" he swallowed "when you unwrap the foil the frog will try to run away but once you break it it will look like an ordinary chocolate, on the inside there is a photo of great wizards like dumbledore ect ect I dont know any more great wizards Ron replied through a mouthful of chocolate, rapidly stuffing his face with more food 

After finishing their pastries, Chuuya noticed that the train was slowing down, when he looked out the window mouth made a small 'O', their was a huge castle with absurd creatures such as black winged horses, an enormous squid in a lake  their was a large lake with something that he couldn't really see as any animal that he knew of

Once the train stopped and the kids started heading to the castle, Dazai and Chuuya entered along with Neuville, Ron, Ginny and Hermione a woman pulled Chuuya and Dazai aside, the Ginger assumed she was in her 50s.She wore a tight bun and a pointed black witches hat. Her beaty black eyes behind gold rimmed spectacles were fixed apron the two adolescents.

"I assume you two boys are Osamu Dazai and Chuuya Nakahara" She asked, Her voice was stern with a clear sound of authority. 

"Yep" The taller said

"My name is Professor McGonagle, I am a teacher working here and you will call me either miss or professeur" She paused for a moment "We will have you two be sorted, come with me the hat has started its song now"

Once they got to where the "sorting" was they saw a hat with eyes and a mouth, it looked quite old and shabby but it sang none the less

(You dont have to red this if you dont want to)

One thousand years ago this story starts
There were four sorcerers with strong and kind hearts
Bold Gryffindor from wild moor
Fair Ravenclaw from glen
Sweet Hufflepuff from valley broad
Shrewd Slytherin from fen
They had a dream to teach all that they knew
Witches and wizards came far and it grew
'Til a castle stood tall by the shores of a lake
And a thousand years later the magic remainsOld Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
And when things look bad and there's no where to run
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as oneBrave Godric Gryffindor favoured the strong
Those who had courage and knew right from wrong
And Rowena Ravenclaw taught only the best
So kind Helga Hufflepuff would teach all the rest
But Salazar Slytherin had is own plans
He thought the Muggle-borns didn't understand
The subtleties of magic and so he devised
The Chamber of Secrets with a monster insideOld Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
And when things look bad and there's no where to run
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as oneOld Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
And when things look bad and there's no where to run
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as oneUnite all the houses and we'll fight as one.

After the song ended the first years clapped and professor McGonagle started calling the kids up to get sorted by the sorting hat.When it was finally Chuuyas turn to get sorted, he walked up to the stool set up by professeur Mgconagal, as she placed the hat on his head (that was a little bit too big for Chuuya, slipping a little bit past his eyes.) He could feel the hat searching through painful memories of his past.A trigger was almost pulled in that second that felt like it took so long to pass finally ended and the sorting hat said "Gryffindor" in a pained voice. Chuuya could feel McGonagall's eyes on the back of his neck, he could hear the clapping of the Griffyndors and usher that came from Ron's mouth, telling him to sit next to him, but it felt so distant... It felt so unreal...,and what he could think about was the memory that was just triggered.

The next, and last student to be called up to the sorting hat was Dazai, the brunette set down on the stool as a Mgconagal placed the sorting out on his head. The whole room go silent that wasn't say anything it was just there... but finally it whispered in a hollow voice "Slytherin".

The brunette was walking towards the Slytherin table when he saw a boy about 15-years-old Come up to him, he had platinum blonde hair that was slicked back, and icy blue eyes. he introduced himself as Draco Malfoy and shook the brunettes hand

"What's your name?" He asked, his voice was low and filled with boredom


"Full name" He corrected

Why does this dude even care????? "Osamu Dazai" the brunette said cheerfully, attempting to not look like he was suspicious of the blonde

Draco then looked at him suspiciously." that's not a very common name for wizard, both your parents are wizards right?"He asked

I dont have parents, Mori is my doctor and Oda is dead, my life's amazingwas all that Dazai could think to say but instead he chose a more polite and reserved set of words "I don't know my mom, Mori San; my doctor is not however a wizard" Dazai hummed

"So you could be muggleborn" Draco asked suspiciously

"If that's when you call it then yeah"

"Well I suppose I must treat you decently considering that the hat Sorted you in slytheryn in just about as quickly as it did to me," He said folding his arms "Im not sure how my father would react to me breathing the same air as a potential mu- muggleborn"

Ah frick its a daddy's boy, ah well a king doesn't always get to choose his servants when he's dirt poor

"Say, could I have the pleasure of being your student or your lesser than" Dazai asked "Im not the best at magic you see" That last part was true No longer human would automatically nullify any type of magic

"I could maybe teach you a thing or two; being a potential mud blood will get you nowhere" Draco said looking thoughtfully at Dazai

"Thanks" the brunette said smiling

Just then a girl with a pug like face and straight black hair came with a dark skinned boy with dark brown hair and eyes. The girl looked at Dazai with disgust

"So he could be a mud blood Draco" she said scowling at dazai,

"Yes but treat him with somewhat respect, he got sorted almost as quickly as I did though its not like he's good at magic being a mudblood and all, that being said, I'll take him on as my apprentice " he snorted

Do these guys not realize that I'm standing right here? Dazai thought himself.

"Guys I think the assembly is about to start we should listen to what Dumbledore has to say" the boy said

"Welcome and welcome back to another year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry this evening we will have the annually feast as usual, there will be A new defense against the dark arts teacher, his name is Professor mad eye moody he will be joining us for this year, This year Hogwarts will hold the six-Wizard tournament"

To this announcement there where many gasps and surprised noises

"This year to make it Safer only students above the age of 15 will be allowed to put our name in the goblet of fire. For those of you who are muggle born and have not learned about the six-Wizard tournament it's an activity where 2 champions from different schools will compete to earn the possibility of being the champions of their school. The tournaments will be split into 3 sections and the students from all the different schools will be tested on their ability to fight and survive together." He paused as the student clapped before continuing

"The goblete of fire is right over by the teachers table.There will be an age line so any under aged wizards or witches will not be able to place their name in the goblet. however the tacks will be frightening so if you dont wish to compete no one is forcing you to, on September 13 the goblete will choose the 2 best wizards whom will be competing as the hogwarts champions. The students of Dermstrang and Beaubaton will come to hogwarts for the first task on Oct 25 leaving a week to prepare and also just intime for the Halloween feast! I also must mention quittige will be canceled due to the tasks. The for bidden forest will stay forbidden and Now I've said that we can start our feast.


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