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I was invited by my class teacher to meet with her . So one fine day I went there with my mom , feeling anxious all the time . I tried comforting myself as I went to third floor staff room and my comfort got burned in flames when I saw B.P. with his mom talking to the teachers in the staff room . We were told to wait outside where I stood facing to the window . I was anxious to face him I don't know why. Then he came out with his mom and I saw his tall robust figure and his sharp eyes glancing at me while he shoved his hair multiple times with his elegant hands.

""I explained a bit deeply and now you may think this is infatuation but no! I don't like him that way. So my dear readers don't and don't ever think . ""

So then we greeted each other , shake hands , exchanged smiles, introduced our mothers .... Nothing like this happened.
So what happened was that ~
He shunned , I shunned. He left with his mother and I went to the hell waiting for me in the staff room. That's it.
My teachers complimented me for my newly published book and also told that they will order that book for the school library. I was devastated inside but came out with a smile and regards . Thanks to God that he made me a poet and I had written and published one book of poems too. So I told them about only that book. Rest remained a mystery forever in my heart and outside their minds.

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