𝟼. 𝚂𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙?

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Waking up the next morning is a fucking chore to say the least. All I want to do is lay in bed with a pint of of pistachio icecream, an icecream I've never wanted before in my life but tried once when I was with Levi.
But instead, I'm forcing myself to get up and go to work all while every piece of information from the last twenty four hours rings through my head.

I'm pregnant...again.

Except this time nobody is taking it away from me, I'm not dreading the day I give birth because the only way to keep my son safe and close to me was when he was in my body.


This time, I'm doing it right and nobody is going to get in the way of that.

Nobody and especially not Owen.
I'm not letting him ruin this for me, not again, not ever.

I'm putting him out of my mind and that's exactly what I do while I'm getting ready for the walk to the hospital, it's warmer out today and I'm expecting the weather so I'm wrapping up regardless.

Once I'm in my clothes and ready, I walk out my door, bags in hand when I freeze at a small box on my porch.
Small enough to fit in your hand but it's wrapped with a ribbon.

I wearily bend down, picking it up and untying the ribbon.

When I remove the lid I'm greeted by a piece of paper on top which I quickly remove, opening it and reading what's on the inside.

Take my car until you can get mouse fixed. It's the least I can do just don't walk like a maniac even if that's what you truly are. Just tamper it down enough and tamper your stubbornness down because I know for a fact your already debating banging on my door and yelling at me but get over yourself and actually accept the gesture for once in your life.

When I look back down at the box, there's a set of car keys sitting there with a small key ring attached.

He thinks this can fix everything, he's wrong.

He's doing this out of guilt but it doesn't change what he did.

God I want to throw these in his face.
Which I can't do so instead, I inspect the keychain which has another tiny note taped to them. I pull it off and unravel the fortune cookie like paper and read it.

Don't even think about throwing these in my face.

How did he know?


My eyes glance up from the key in my hand and land on the mclaren sat in my driveway.

Oh he was serious.

A small smile pulls at my lips which I immediately scold myself for.


No I'm not being friendly with him and I'm definitely not smiling because of him especially when the reason my smile disappeared for years is something he could have done.

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