𝟜𝟞. 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚊 𝚓𝚘𝚔𝚎

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⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆

The voice I hear freezes me in my tracks and my head snaps up to the sound.

It's coming from the yard of my parent's house.

He jogs down the porch in his uniform and my whole body turns to ice. The man keeps his pace as he speed walks towards us making Owen lean down.

"Lynn, what's wrong?" He asks gently but my brain can't form any words as I stare at the man getting closer. "Lynny?" His hand squeezes mine again but once more, nothing comes out of my mouth.

"Evelyne!" The man says almost excitedly until his eyes land on Owen and the stroller infront of us, "and you are?"

"Owen." He nods his head at the man he doesn't know and the guy holds out his hand for a shake.

"I'm Trevor, Levi's brother."

Owen's stance immediately changes as he lets go of my hand and steps infront of the stroller where Trevor is stood.

It's at this moment Beau decides to let out a cry and my eyes clamp closed like I've been caught out. I gently begin to push the stroller back and forth in an attempt to soothe her while the two men size eachother up.

I'd say it's an easy fight but I know Trevor, he's a cop and I know underneath his uniform somewhere is a weapon.

"Who's that?" Trevor asks, attempting to walk around but Owen blocks him. "Move."

Owen lets out a condescending laugh and shakes his head, "No."

Beau continues to cry and I can see the dots connect in Trevor's head, very slowly might I add. It's like watching a five year old trying to do a word search.

"Is that your baby?" He questions dumbly, like the dots hadn't already clicked in his mind and I numbly nod my head. "Is it Levi's?"

"No." Owen interrupts, "and I suggest you walk the fuck away from my daughter right now."

His voice takes on a threatening tone, one I've never heard before but if I did, I wouldn't be stupid enough to still be stood infront of him like Trevor is. If I were him, I'd already be in my car speeding away.

"It's Levi's isn't it?" Trevor asks, totally ignoring Owen as the both turn to me.

Owen looks at me like it's okay for me to tell the truth, that it's entirely up to me but my brain is fried.

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