𝟛𝟞. 𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚂𝚒𝚡 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚔𝚜

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⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆

"Get in line." I mutter to Nia, marching towards the man I haven't seen in over a month and god damn it he looks good.

He's wearing a dress shirt rolled up to his elbows and tailored pants, like he's just come from a meeting. His wavy hair is styled, covering his forehead but not close enough to cover his eyes. On his wrist, he's wearing a watch I know costs more than I make and in his hand is a gift wrapped to perfection.

I stop about four feet away from him and cross my arms over my chest.

"Why are you here?" I ask him, trying to keep as much relief out of my voice as possible.

"It's Milo's party."

"Really! No shit!" I shout making him wince slightly. "Where the hell have you been? I looked everywhere, you wouldn't let me come and visit you, you shut down my spies and you haven't picked up your phone. Where did you go when you just got home from hospital?"

"Lynn, I went to my moms. There was some shit I had to do that I didn't want you knowing about." He explains and i scoff.

"Good explanation Owen. It's been six weeks, what on earth could have taken six weeks when you should have been recovering?"

"Funding. I had to get funding for that probono day we wanted to do."

My eyes widen, not in shock that that's what he was doing but in surprise that he thought that was a good answer.

"That's it? You ignored me for a month for that?"

"Lynny it wasn't my best move okay but I panicked and I wasn't just getting funding for that, it was for something else too."

"What! What could possibly be so important you ignored us for over a whole fucking month Owen! I was so close to contacting my PI again and asking him to find you!" I yell so loud I'm sure the whole street can hear me.

He grabs my elbow, pulling me down the side of the house so that nobody can see us.

"I know your furious with me, I get that I'm furious with myself too but if you just wait a second." He says, pulling out one of the biggest envelopes I've seen.

It looks like one of those huge cheques they give people on TV.

"Open it."

"No." I tell him, shaking my head and handing the thing back to him. "You can't leave for four weeks and come waltzing back before we've even talked properly, it doesn't work like that Owen."

"Just open it"

"Why'd you leave Owen?" I ask, my voice breaking slightly, "and don't tell me that opening that thing will explain because it won't. I thought maybe you wanted to stay? Maybe we could have still lived together for awhile until my house was fixed but you were planning on just leaving at any time weren't you?"

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