𝟜𝟚. 𝙷𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜

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⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆

It's four am and I haven't slept.

Beau woke up an hour ago, luckily I hadn't slept so I caught on to the fact she was hungry before she started screaming the place down. Once I fed her it took another thirty to burp her and then get her back to sleep.

Milo is asleep in his room next to mine and Owen when to his bed the same time I put the baby to sleep hours ago before she woke up again.

That shouldn't be an issue.

Except it is.

Beau is in my room in the pop up crib fast asleep with the white noise machine playing beside the crib and I envy her. I want to sleep, I thought after the pregnancy, I'd be able to sleep soundly.

It's been thirty six hours, I'm a nurse, I'm not sure why that was my philosophy but it was.

The stress and anxiety coursing through me must combine with the hormones trying to settle because before I know it, my eyes are watering making me sigh as I stare up at the ceiling.

It's so different than last time.

Last time I was so overwhelmingly depressed after milo was taken that I felt nothing because all I was focused on was getting my son back. I hadn't had the first night out of hospital with this pure fear that something could be wrong or there's something I could be doing wrong.

Pushing myself to the edge of the bed, I bury my face in my hands, quietening the sound of my crying slightly.


It's the first night away from hospital and I'm a mess.

How am I supposed to do this?

I feel a large palm cage the back of my head and pull me forwards slightly so my face rests against wall of abs across their stomach.

The hand at the back of my head begins to slowly massage my scalp while I continue to cry, something that doesn't happen often unless I'm having a panic attack or watching pride and prejudice.

"I don't want to wake her up. I just got her down." I mutter quietly, through my cries against Owen's stomach.

"The sound machine is right next to her, I doubt she's waking up any time soon." Owen scoffs, moving further up my scalp with his fingers.

"I'm scared to sleep." I mutter, taking a deep breath to control whatever breakdown is happening to me right now. "I'm scared I'm going to wake up and she'll be gone."

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