𝟚𝟡. 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝

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⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆

I can't for the life of me go back to sleep for the life of me.

We ate dinner over three hours ago and afterwards I was exhausted, not to the point I was about to pass out like earlier but enough that once I said goodnight to Milo, I pretty much hit the pillow already asleep.

It's the same every night, I sleep for a few hours and then I'm awake again. The pain in my hips is agonising, I have a pain in my stomach that's not as bad but definitely isn't comfortable.

Fuck this.

I can't stay in this bed a second longer.

Climbing out the bed in owens shirt and briefs, I creep down the stairs, ignoring the pain in my legs as I walk.

Usually I'd sneak off to work and see if anyone needs their shift covered but I'm aware I can't do that no matter how much I want to.

I sound weird, not many people want to go back to work especially when they're off but I do. It gives me a distraction from the discomfort because I'm always on my feet, I never get chance to sit and think about how much my calves hurt or how my hips feel like they're going to break.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, my eyes look over at my shoes.

Fuck I sound like an addict.

"Don't even think about it." Owen says and my eyes snap to him on the sofa, doing something on his laptop.

"You need to stop doing this and speaking out of nowhere." I hiss, walking towards him.

"It's my house." His eyes never break from the screen as he speaks.

"I'm painfully aware." I mutter, turning my head to the wall and massaging my calve with my hand.

"Why're you down here?" He asks, finally closing his laptop and looking at me.

"I've decided to make the worlds biggest bowl of cereal and swim in it."I joke and I have no idea where that came from. Owen stares at me blankly and I sigh, "I'm uncomfortable and I can't sleep."

"And you thought you'd sneak down here why?"

"I'm in pain Owen and it's uncomfortable. I'm restless so even if the pain magically disappeared, I couldn't relax. My hips feel ten times wider than the doorframe. My legs are cramping and so it my stomach. I'd try the pillow but I'm in too much pain to even attempt to get comfortable so I need a distraction. I don't know why I'm down here but I wasn't going to go to work okay? I just needed to get up and walk around, maybe scrub the kitchen counters, I don't know." I manage to say all of that in two breaths at a speed Eminem would be jealous of.

"Okay. Sit down." He tells me as he stands up, the action he's just done completely contradicting what he just told me to do.

"Okay?" I question, sitting down next to the spot he was just sat in before he walks into the kitchen without another word.

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