𝟛. 𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝙹𝚞𝚓𝚞

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⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆

Thirteen years.

That's the last time I saw Evelyne.

The time she punched me in the face right before we both left for other colleges on different sides of the country.

I was hoping she wouldn't still be here. I figured over the last thirteen years she'd have moved. I'd have asked Nia, but she hasn't spoken to Ev since we all left home.

I'm just hoping she doesn't live in the same house as her parents given that I'm now going to be living next door which living there alone isn't going to be fun given that I know her dad hates me.

I didn't do anything to him specifically, in-fact for a while we had some secret alliance. He acted like he disliked me in front of Evelyne but then he'd take me fishing or golfing as long as she didn't find out but then the two weeks leading to our final exam, everything changed all because I told the truth. The truth that ruined Nia and Evelyne's friendship and apparently everything else.

If I didn't hate her before that night, the hatred I had was indescribable after that.

Now I have to work with her.

See her face every day.

The same brown eyes that can get anyone to bend to her every need along with her matching hair that she used to flick over her shoulder every time she won one of our dumb competitions with that's smug smile on her face. The same cheekbones that would raise with every smile she gave to everyone except me.

I memorised her face years ago, knew every emotion she showed until the day we all parted ways. I thought I knew every expression, especially one of anger but that day the only words to describe her expression was pure fury, hatred and pain.

Well, that's all I saw before her fist flew out and nearly broke my jaw.

Her dad was stood behind her and told me I deserved it and if she hadn't, he would've.

Now I have to live next door to the man who was the only father figure I ever had, one who has most likely hated me for the past decade but hopefully one whose daughter had moved out years ago.

The workers called me earlier while I was at work just after Evelyne yelled at me and told me I can sleep in the house tonight, the rest of the work they need to do is outside and should only take another week.

So here I am, pulling into the house I grew up in that's now all my own.

I'm only going to be living in it for a few months so I can renovate and then sell it, I don't know how long I'm going to be able to stand being here considering I couldn't wait to get out all those years ago.

Leaving this place was one of the only things that kept me sane when I was younger.

That and the next-door neighbour who fought with me every chance she got and gave me something to channel a percent of my anger in to.

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