𝟜𝟝. 𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚝

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It doesn't take me long to get changed myself but changing a new born baby into clothes is a challenge in itself but I eventually manage to do it.

Granted it was filled with multiple tears, mainly mine and multiple toilet breaks, also mine.

When I'm finished, I take Beau in my arms and very carefully walk down the stairs. Going up the stairs didn't scare me half as much as going down them and it's like Owen knows that because within seconds and multiple shaky breaths, he's stood waiting for me.

His arm is resting against the banister, his eyes trained on me as I walk.

"Don't worry, I'm ready to catch her."

"Shut the fuck up." I mutter as I reach the bottom step and I can see him smirking at me. "Have faith in me."

"I have faith in you. You just don't have any in yourself."

"I have some."

"Not enough." He deadpans and I roll my eyes, walking into the living room where the stroller is already set up.

Does this man do everything?

"If it stops you doing too much and hurting yourself then yes I do." When I turn back to look at him, he's looking at me with a raised eyebrow confirming that I did ask that question outloud and not just in my head. "Now can we hurry up before Milo gets home."

He says it like he's genuinely annoyed but he's not. I can tell by the way he quickly turns away to hide the small smirk on his face.

He grabs both of our coats while I tuck Beau into the stroller with a blanket I recognise too well.

It's the one I spent the entire pregnancy trying to make but didn't get finished on time, except, it is complete.

My brows furrow as I pick up the pastel purple crotchet blanket and hold it up to Owen.

"How is this finished?" I question and I can see his back tense like he was expecting me not to notice. "Did you ask Nia to finish it?"

Nia is the only other person I know who can crotchet.

She learnt from her mom when she was younger, I never saw the appeal until much later in life. Maybe that's why I started crocheting in the first place, because it reminded me of how much easier life was back then.

"Yeah." He mutters but I'm not entirely sure I believe it.

I can't tell if he's lying though because he's facing the other way. Instead, he turns back around to face me and throws my coat onto the back of the sofa.

I watch him intently, my eyes squinted slightly as he take the blanket from me and tucks it around Beau. His face light up as he leans down and double checks the straps.

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