౹. 𝙵𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝙽𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎

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Being a nurse is one of the hardest jobs I've ever had. Granted, the other jobs I had were working in restaurants waiting tables and packing groceries at stores all so I could get through nursing school but it's still one of the hardest occupations to exist. The thing that makes it worth it is how rewarding it is. Knowing your helping people whether that be mentally, physically or emotionally.

The adrenaline helps too. That rush of never being able to sit down because someone needs help is unmatched.

It is, however, exhausting. Case and point, right now.

"Evelyne, there's a fifty-year-old man in trauma bed two with a suspected heart attack." A new student nurse tells me.

I glance up from my computer at the young nurse, her innocent, blue and untired eyes meeting mine.

It's only a matter of time before her eyes turn into the equivalent of pillows from the exhaustion.

I miss that.

Being completely unaware of how tiring the job can be, especially before you find a sleeping pattern that works around your shifts and allows you to get enough sleep that you don't look like you have permanent pink eye. Although, at the moment with my next-door neighbour doing renovations when it's time for my beauty sleep, I'm sure my under eyes look good enough for someone to jump up and down on.

Her blonde curls falling over her shoulder, blissfully oblivious to the possible body fluids that can project out of patients. It didn't take me long in my career to realise wearing your hair up or in braids is a lot more ideal than wearing it down, leaving it susceptible to the crazy stuff that comes out of humans.

I look back down at my computer and continue writing up about my last patient.

"Okay, well get him an ECG." I tell her, still tapping on the keyboard in front of me until I realise, she's still stood there, shifting awkwardly on her feet, causing me to glance up in confusion. "Everything okay?" I ask and she continues to look nervous.

"Uh, he's requesting you. Won't let me touch him so I can perform one." She explains and I nod my head, quickly finishing my report and standing up from the desk at the nurse's station.

Being head nurse is again, rewarding but even more tiring.

Overseeing the whole ER is tiring but I wouldn't change it, even with all the weird shit we see.

I let out a small sigh as I stand up and walk around the desk, my back aching as I do, and towards trauma bay two and a small smile graces my face when I see who's in the bed.

"Mr Marsh!" I exclaim, pulling on a pair of latex gloves and stepping into the bay, tugging the curtain around us.

Mr Marsh is a regular in this ER. For a fifty-year-old man, he's the most active I've seen anyone, ever.

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