𝟚𝟟. 𝚃𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚍

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Evelyne hasn't woken up by the time I get back and that fear rises in my chest again.

Some of the nurses have dissipated but atleast four of them, including Rhys, are sat by her side, talking away.

"What's going on?" I ask, causing all four heads to snap up to me.

"She's exhausted man and severely dehydrated. Has she been sleeping?" Rhys asks and I send him a look.

"How am I supposed to know that? We sleep in very different beds." I deadpan.

"She's overworked and from what I know, she's getting about three hours of sleep a night."

"How do you know that?" I ask and Rhys holds up the tablet.

"Because she's been sneaking out of the house to do extra shifts on a night. We get four days off a week, do you know how many she's been taking off after back to back shifts?" I shake my head in response, "two. Two days off. Sometimes not even that but I know her. She wouldn't put extra shifts in for no reason unless she was bored or desperately needed the money."


She's been telling me she's uncomfortable for weeks, she couldn't even wear her own clothes because she was that irritable.

Not even someone with super human powers could do back to back shifts every single day, sometimes twice a day and then survive on three hours of sleep. Let alone being pregnant and the added stress I've given her.

Why would she fucking do that to herself?

"I've already spoken to the chief. He said that she can take her paid sick leave, along with her annual leave and if she needs it, he'll right off the time off as paid family leave too. Thats about a month if she needs it but regardless. She needs at least two weeks off before she can come back here and we're not letting her do any overtime whatsoever and she's getting those four days off. Not two." Rhys explains and I nod my head, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Why the fuck would she do all that if she knew about." I gesture to the ultrasound machine and Rhys sighs.

"My guess? She was uncomfortable and couldn't sleep so she decided to sneak out and cover who ever needed covering but she knows she's the only one who checks the rota. Half of the time she was in here she was basically just volunteering. I'm surprised she even asked the chief for maternity leave." He adds and I pull up a chair at the end of this little line of people beside Evelyne when Rhys stands up. "No. You sit here. They'll scootch." He gestures to the other three nurses who nod, each of them moving over a chair so that there's a spare one right next to Lynny.

I let out a loud sigh, resting my hands on the bed next to her arm.

"She already thinks I'm dictating her life by telling her to eat and demanding her to do other things. How are we going to get her to actually listen?" I think outloud and it's true.

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