𝟽. 𝚃𝚞𝚗𝚊 𝚆𝚛𝚊𝚙.

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When it turns to lunch I get a message from Rhys basically commanding me to eat along with a picture of him in a Sherlock holmes hat that he most definitely overpaid for but apparently that doesn't register with him.

But I follow the instructions I'm given regardless because I know if I don't, he'll either come back home and force feed me or he'll call me with a lecture.

The second I walk into the cafeteria all I can smell is coffee, onions and garlic all mixed into one and I nearly throw up right there and then. This pregnancy is throwing me way off, I can't even eat with my friends anymore because apparently this baby can't stand the smell of anything and is inadvertently wanting me to throw up whatever I'm giving it.

I look down at my packed lunch, given that I can't afford to pay for anything right now and head straight to my supply closet.

I walk through radiology and open the door to the dimly lit closet filled with bedpans, trays, cups and more tv remotes then televisions in this hospital.

The amount of times tvs have "broken" and we had to get a new remote is insane. Nobody told me that becoming a nurse would also require me to be a television technician.

A large smile pulls at my face as I giddily look down at my food while closing the door but the second I turn away my smile drops.

"What the hell? Are you teleporting through walls to end up wherever I am?" I question, looking down at the 6'5 man sat infront of me.

He's sat against the shelves, his knees bent and his arms resting over them, opening a tub of what I can immediately tell is tuna.

Usually, I hate tuna, anything to do with fish freaks me out but I'm half tempted to snatch that tuna wrap from him and devour it myself.

"Not everything is about you Lynny." He says, placing the lid back on the tub and standing up.

He's only five inches taller then me but his presence in this tiny supply closet is enough to make me feel towered over. So instead, my eyes drift down the the plastic tub he's left on the floor, if it wasn't for that tuna wrap, I'd have left a smoke trail behind me after I ran out the room.

"Lynn I need you to actually hear me right now. I didn't-"

I cut him off when my stomach growls and my eyes are still fixating on his lunch. "Are you going to eat that?" I ask, gesturing to his food and his eyebrows raise slightly as he looks over his shoulder at the tub on the floor.

"No lynn, I made it to feed to my pet seal." He says sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.

"You say that as a joke but your the kind of person to do that." I tell him, it's amazing how every inch of hurt I felt disappeared when I smelt his food.

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