𝟜𝟜. 𝚂𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚄𝚙

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Once the door is slammed shut, I carefully move Beau, putting a burping cloth over my shoulder and beginning to burp her.

"When did she wake up?" I ask as he busies himself in the kitchen.

"About an hour."

"And you didn't get me?"

"Clearly not." He deadpans, "you've already asked that too."

My brows furrow and I look up at him, "have I?"

"Yeah." He mutters.

Shrugging, I turn my attention to the baby in my arms as I readjust her after I've burped her. The smile on my face is huge, my index fingers runs up and down her smooth cheek and she stretches her arms over her head with a yawn.

Shes absolutely tiny compared to milo, she was premature hence the reason we stayed in hospital for a few days but I wasn't expecting her to be so small.

The undeniable love I have my children overwhelms me every day and the fact I now have to say 'children' is insane to me. I have two kids that I would give my life for.

My life has changed so much in the last few months I'm surprised I've kept up.

"I'm going to take her on a walk soon." I mutter, still smiling down at the small bundle in my arms who's on the verge of falling asleep.

A bowl filled with oatmeal and blueberries is placed down infront of me with a spoon set to the side.

"I'll come with you." He tells me, sitting down opposite me with just a cup of coffee.

Standing up, I place a sleeping Beau into the basket again before walking over to Owen.

"You don't have to come with us."

"Your luck you'll forget where you are and get lost so, yeah, I do."

"Have you had breakfast?" I change the subject, he takes a sip of coffee and that's enough answer for me so I grab the breakfast he just made me and place it beside the toaster.

Taking a bite of it, I place bread in the toaster while getting out the cookies I made on Milo's birthday, put them on a plate then they go straight in the microwave.

"The fuck are you going?"

"You made me breakfast." I hold up the bowl that I'm still eating out of then gesture to the microwave and the toaster, "so I'm making you breakfast."

"You don't-"

The toaster popping along with the microwave beeping cut him off and I butter his toast with enough butter to grease an elephant but it's how he likes it.

"We're eating breakfast together."

With that, I place both plates down infront of him, grabbing my own bowl and sitting back in my own seat opposite him.

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