𝟜𝟙. 𝚄𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚎?

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"Are you sure she's in that seat properly?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Because you bought the seat Lynn." I deadpan as she begins leaning into the backseat and double checking that the seat is in correctly.

"You check." She says, pulling her head out of Rhys's car.

Nia took my car home considering the car seat wouldn't fit so we're using Rhys's instead.

Sighing, I lean into the back myself checking the belt and looking at Beau whose eyes are open and glancing around the car. I'm still checking when her tiny fist lands on my cheek gently. I turn my head to her with a small smile and god she looks exactly like Evelyne. Same brown eyes and thick brown hair covering her entire head a head that is alot larger then her body.

"Alright sweetheart, I think you're good." I whisper, tugging the belt one last time before I get out of the car where Lynny looks at me with a teasing smile. "What?"

"Nothing." She says just as Rhys walks out of the hospital with his bag.

"We ready yet?" He asks and Evelyne nods her head.

"I'll sit in the back with her." She announces and I follow her around to the other side of the car and open the door for her and she waddles around with a small groan.

"You okay?"

"Just had the most difficult shit of my life and I pushed out a whole ass human four days ago. In between my legs feels cursed right now"

"Which is exactly why we have a bag of stuff to help you with that." I say, holding the back of supplies up.

"You mean filled with adult diapers? Yeah I'm aware." She laughs, making me roll my eyes. She bends down, sitting in the car and puts on her seatbelt while I close the car door and get into the passenger seat beside Rhys.

"You both ready?" Rhys asks and I nod my head, assuming that Evelyne is doing the same thing.

"Drive slower." Evelyne and I both say making Rhys roll his eyes.

"I'm a good driver!" He exclaims and we both scoff.

"You're a good driver if you were involved in the F1." Evelyne tells him and Rhys huffs, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

As we turn the corner out of the hospital I hear Evelyne wince with a loud his and the second she does, Rhys and I both look back at her. Well Rhys looks through the mirror I turn my head.

She's looking down at their thighs, one hand being gripped by Beau and the other hand is in a fist at her side, her face scrunched together.

"You okay?" Rhys asks and Ev just nods her head.

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