𝟙𝟟. 𝙸'𝚖 𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛

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Nia left days ago and the entire few days she was here, we talked.

We talked a lot.

We talked about everything that's happened in the last thirteen years and she apologised profusely and I did the same thing.

I should have tried harder back then to talk to her after she left but I was so focused on everything else, I did the bare minimum to find her.

She talked a lot with Owen too, well she talked and he grunted. It's very rare to get a smile and a conversation out of him and since he dropped Nia off at the airport, again, I haven't seen him much.

Our shifts contradict eachother alot which is why I'm at work and he's sat at home eating the many tubs of icecream I bought.

I look down at the tablet and see there's a nine year old waiting in one of the beds for me.

Walking towards the bed, I push back the curtain with a smile, tucking the tablet under my armpit and washing my hands in sanitizer.

"Hi there Nadia." I beam, walking towards the young girl on the bed and what I can only assume is her mom say in the chair next to her.

"Hi." The girl says quietly and I smile turning to the woman.

"You must be mom?" I ask and the lady nods her head at me. "So what's brought you here today?"

"She's been scratching her neck and shoulders a lot and it's caused some sores and I'm worried they might be infected. She had the flu a few weeks ago and she was fine until she started scratching." The mom explains and I nod my head as she talks before I pull over the stool, sit down on it and look towards Nadia.

"Is it okay if I take a look?" I ask and she nods her head slightly, moving her hair out of the way and showing the cuts all across her neck and the back of her shoulders. I lean forwards so my head is next to hers and begin checking each one of them. Some of them are weeping and I cringe slightly. "These look painful. Are they itchy?" I ask.

"Yeah." Nadia says quietly and I nod my head, pulling some gloves from the box above the bed and putting them on my hands. I lean back down and begin to look further down her back and neck.

Once I'm done, I lean back and take a look at her before turning to her mom.

"Is she usually this pale?" I ask.

"No. I thought she had the flu or something. She's been getting headaches and mouth ulcers. I thought her immune system was just fighting something off." She says and I nod my head.

"Okay. I want to get some bloods taken but I need a doctors approval, so can you just give me a minute?" I ask, taking off the gloves, the woman nods her head and I walk out of the room and straight into someone.

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