𝟛𝟘. 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎

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It was Infact a weird month, well six weeks.

Milo stayed the first night and went home the next day and since then he's moved it up to three days a week which doesn't sound like much but it is.

I love the time we spend together.

We spent the month looking at schools, going out to restaurants and he found out about McDonald's and is now obsessed with it, which Rhys appreciates because if he had the option, he'd eat from that fast food place multiple times a day for days on ends.

Every night I'd sneak down to where Owen was on the couch, usually working and he'd repeat the same things every night.

Massaging my hips with the heat up dinosaur on my stomach but apart from that, we barely spoke.

It seems to be a common thing with him, actively avoiding me but after that first night it's as if it's become his mission to spend as least time with me as possible.

Now it's the day before I go to work and I'm alone.

Milo went home yesterday and the other two set off for work two hours ago.

Worst part, I woke up this morning and I swear my stomach has doubled inside. Well maybe not doubled but it's definitely visible. I actually look pregnant and I have nobody here to show it too, so instead, I FaceTime Nia.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asks, eating a spoonful of cereal.

"Nothing just this." I say, placing my phone on the kitchen counter and turning to the side where my stomach is clearly showing and her eyes widen with a squeal. "It's taken twenty nine weeks but look."

"Oh my god!" She exclaims, holding the phone closer to her face. "Your pregnant! Like actually visibly pregnant!"

I let out a laugh, running my hand over my stomach, "I'm aware."

"Wait no. That's actually insane, a few days ago you looked barely pregnant and now!" She gestures to my stomach and I nod my head.

"Well I am seven months pregnant so it's about time."

I sigh, putting down my shirt and leaning forward on my elbows and she inspects me for a second before letting out a sigh of her own.

"Owen still avoiding you?" She asks and I nod my head.

"I don't understand. We had a thing on the couch a month ago. I told him I trusted him and it's like those words scared the shit out of him and now he's dodging me like I've got the plague."

"You know what he's like Ev." She says and I shake my head.

"I know he's not good with feelings, believe me in aware but all I did was say that I trusted him. Then he told me there's things I don't know and then.." I pause and she raises an eyebrow at me.

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