Ch. 7: Curse Chaos

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Luz arrived back at the Owl House after giving Bump an example of her powers, and she didn't really think about the consequences all that much.

"Well, I was going to throw them out anyway." Luz said, before entering, "Hey, Eda, ever collect clothes on your trips to the human realm?"

Eda came in and looked at her.

"Geez Kid, you get dissected or something!?" Eda asked.

"Yes, actually." Luz said, "It's been this whole thing today, and I would like to get some clothes that aren't being held up by vines."

"Titan, Kid, you're crazy." Eda said.

"No, I'm immortal, there's a difference." Luz said, "Anyway, you have any clothes I can use or what?"

"Probably, go check in one of the rooms upstairs." Eda said.

Luz headed upstairs and began checking through the rooms, eventually a room filled with clothes.

"Okay, some of these are bound to work." Luz said.

Luz found a pair of black pants, black boots, black shirt, black gloves.

"Sweet mom, does she have anything that's not black?" Luz asked.

She looked through the clothes and found a dark green cloak. She tied it around her neck and put the hood up, it would help hide her identity, and no one would mistake her for a human. She looked at her reflection in a mirror and smirked.

"I look like some kind of assassin or something." Luz said, before getting an idea.

She held her hand out and a wooden sword handle was created. A sharp vine covered in thorns formed from the handle, curving a little and making a plant sword. The vine disappeared and she put the handle in the belt loop of her pants.

"Not bad, even if there is too much black." Luz said.

Luz headed back downstairs, where Eda was on the couch on the brink of passing out.

"You good, Eda?" Luz asked.

"Yeah... just *Yawn* tired." Eda said.

"Well, you can just sleep there, because King was going to teach me about Boiling Isles demons." Luz said.

"Yeah... whatever."

Suddenly there was thunder in the distance.

"Ah, damn it." Eda said.

"What, what's the matter?" Luz asked.

"It's going to rain." Eda said, getting up, "Which means I need to make a protection spell."

"Protection spell? For rain?" Luz asked, following Eda out.

"Well, the rain here is a bit different." Eda said, "And we can't all be immortal and deal with it."

Right as she said that, it started raining. It did nothing to Luz, immortality and all that, but Eda had to put a barrier up to protect herself.

"Wait, rain boils here!?" Luz asked, "What about the plants!?"

"Relax, most plants are able to withstand this." Eda said, "Still, the house isn't, and last time Hooty got hit, oh boy, you don't want to smell burnt owl demon, it's not a good one."

Luz shuddered at the thought of that, not wanting to think about an animal being hurt by the rain.

"Poor baby." Luz said.

"Hooty is anything but a baby." Eda said, finishing up the spell.

Eda used her staff to expand the spell over the house.

"Dang, not bad, Owl Lady." Luz said, "Speaking of, do they call you the Owl Lady because you have a thing for Owls or is there another reason?"

"Well, there are a number of reasons." Eda said, "Attraction to shiny objects, the eating small rodents, the sleeping in the nest-"

"You have a nest?" Luz asked.

"And there's another reason, but... you don't need to worry your little immortal head about it." Eda said, ruffling Luz's hair, "Now, that spell took a lot out of me, and I was already pretty tired to begin with, so I'm going to head upstairs and go to sleep. Try not to burn the house down."

"No promises." Luz said.

"Luz, are you ready for your lesson?" King asked, "I have my demon book filled with facts about every demon we know about!"

"In a minute King." Luz said.

Luz headed back upstairs and into her closet. She grabbed a flower and looked at the symbol she found on it. She flipped through a book and found nothing about it. She didn't plan on getting so focused on this, but she felt... something about the symbol, something she can't explain. She looked over at Titan and saw him sleeping, his favorite past time.

"Well, I don't think you'll be of much help with this." Luz said.

Luz decided to pull out a piece of paper and drew the symbol on it. She stuck it in her pocket and decided to figure it out later. She walked passed Eda's room, when she heard the sound of movement and growls. Luz looked at the door, a bit nervous for the person that is taking care of her, and when she heard the sound of glass shatter she made up her mind. She ran through the door, seeing a very dark room.

"Eda? You okay in here?" Luz asked, walking in the room more.

She heard the sound of glass crunch beneath her foot and looked down, seeing a broken glass bottle and a yellow/orange liquid.

"Eda must've dropped this." Luz said, "Ugh, I can't see anything in here, I need to switch eyes."

Luz's eyes began changing between animals before settling on Bat eyes. Contrary to popular belief, bats are not blind, and can actually see very well in both light and dark.

"There we go, much better." Luz said, before looking at all the large claw marks, "What... happened... here?"

She looked up and saw glowing eyes, followed by a large feathery creature with a familiar face.


Downstairs, King was setting up his lesson for Luz... when he heard Luz's scream. He immediately panicked, because whatever would cause a God to scream must be horrible.

"Luz!" King yelled as he ran upstairs, "Luz, what's the... matter?"

Inside Eda's room, was the Owlbeast, laying on her back, getting belly rubs from Luz.

"Oh, who's a good Owl Demon? Is it you? Yes it is! Yes it is!" Luz said, "Your feathers are so soft, it's like petting cotton!"

King was very confused.

"Uh, Luz?"

Luz looked over at King.

"Oh, hi King! Don't mind me, just giving some much needed love to this old girl!" Luz said, scratching the Owl Beast and making her leg shake, "She told me all about what happened to Eda all those years ago, about how she's cursed and becomes this if she doesn't drink her elixir. The poor girl had rocks thrown at her when she became this, she's very aggressive to others, and if it wasn't for my ability to talk to animals, we probably would've been hunted down and eaten."

The Owlbeast got up and licked Luz's hair.

"Hey, that tickles!" Luz said.

Luz was knocked to the ground and the Owlbeast nuzzled against her like an overgrown kitten. It was all fun until the there was a screech in the air and the sound of the door being broken down filled the air.

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