Ch. 13: A "Friendly" Bet

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After several days of doing nothing, almost as if she's in a show or fanfic or something, Luz left the Owl House and into the market, while Eda was busy playing with a game called Hexes Hold'em. Luz wasn't interested to be honest, so she headed out. She walked around the market for several minutes, before coming upon her friends.

"Willow, Gus!" Luz said happily, before noticing they're sad expressions, "What's wrong, who hurt my babies?"

"Them." Willow said, pointing at a group.

Luz looked at the group, she saw Amity, that part wasn't surprising given what she was told about Amity she's probably being forced to act mean. The others she's doesn't know. The first one was a fairly tall girl, with light pink skin, dark pink hair, three grayish blue eyes, wearing a hexside uniform with yellow sleeves and pants, she had a bottle of soda in her hand. Luz looked at another girl, this one had dark skin, long, wavy, brown hair, big square glasses that covered her brown eyes, her lower lip had a bit of lipstick on it, she wore a Hexside uniform that had blue sleeves and pants. The last girl was small, and honestly adorable. She had dark skin, two gray eyes, black and gray hair, and she wore a hexside uniform with red sleeves and pants, unlike the others though, she wore red shoes with bat wings on them.

'Huh, those are weird.' Luz thought.

"What's the matter?" Luz asked.

"Boscha is holding a moonlight conjuring, and she invited everyone but us." Willow said.

"A what?" Luz asked.

"You spend the night at someone's house, telling stories, playing games..." Willow said.

"So, like a slumber party?" Luz asked.

"You bring something to life with the power of the moon." Willow continued.

"Oh, so you basically play the roll of my Uncle Vidal." Luz said, "Okay, I'm starting to understand this thing, so why don't you guys just do one yourselves?"

"Because you need three people to do one." Gus said.

Boscha and her group walked up to the trio.

"Sorry you can't come to the conjuring, Half-A-Witch, but only real witch-"

Boscha never finished as Luz got mad. She walked up to Boscha the second the called Willow "Half-A-Witch", and grabbed the triclops by the neck and held her off the ground.

"Listen here you pathetic excuse for a witch, Willow has more strength in her pinky than you do in your entire body!" Luz said, "Make a comment like that again, and I'll turn you into a seed and throw you into a bag of bird feed!"

Boscha's group took a step back from Luz. They had never seen someone stand up to Boscha with such... strength. Boscha began turning blue before Luz dropped her. Boscha began to crawl away from her in fear, while Amity was amazed. Just like at the Covention, Luz didn't waste time coming to the aid of someone else.

"You want to mess with Willow, then you mess with me." Luz said, "And if you're so sure that Willow is a 'Half-A-Witch' as you call her, then how about we make a bet?"

Luz picked Boscha back up by Boscha's cowl.

"If Willow, Gus, and I have a better Conjuring than you and your group, then you will be Willow's servant for an entire month." Luz said, "If you have a better conjuring, than Willow will be your servant for an entire month. Deal?"

Boscha, being the cocky bitch she is, had her mind made up.


'It's not like Half-A-Witch and that little friend of hers can do any actual good magic. Just a few weeds and some illusions.' Boscha thought, 'And I doubt this random girl they made friends with is that strong magically if she hangs with these two.'

"Good, now, if you don't mind, we have a conjuring to get ready for." Luz said, turning around.

The trio walked away and only then did Luz decide to let her hood down, letting the others see her ears as she made it out of earshot. A smirk came to her face when she heard Boscha yell.


"Oh, she wishes." Willow said, smiling wide.

"Yeah, they don't have an all-powerful god on their side." Gus said.

"Well, let's head to the Owl House and get ready." Luz said, as her eyes shifted through animals, "Hop on."

Luz became a Quetzalcoatlus. Why? Because she knew it would freak the people out, and it was the only thing she could think of that could fly and carry Willow and Gus. They climbed on and Luz took off into the sky, flying in the direction of the Owl House. They landed at the Owl House and Luz changed back. Luz walked over to the door and began petting Hooty.

"Try not to freak my friends out, they aren't accustomed to you like I am." Luz said.

"Okay!" Hooty said.

Luz motioned for her friends to follow her inside, which they did.

"Eda, I'm home, I have company!" Luz called out.

Nothing. Luz was a bit nervous, until she found a note.

Luz, King and I have to go to the night market tonight, we'll be back by morning. If we aren't, check the prison... or the graveyard. Don't fuck up my house. - Love, Eda.

'Oh, at least she said Love Eda.' Luz thought.

"Okay, we have the house to ourselves, as long as we don't mess up the house, we shouldn't have any problems." Luz said, "Willow, Gus, you ready to record our conjuring?"

Willow and Gus smirked, they knew they would easily win this bet, and Willow knew exactly what she was going to order Boscha to do.

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