Ch. 24: Arrested

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Luz walked around the market, looking for something to do. Eda and King were... unavailable, and it wasn't because of their large amount of money they got from the Bat Queen.

'If they for one second think I'm going to let them in my body, with my powers, so they can cause chaos, they have another thing coming.' Luz thought.

She wasn't paying attention, and ended up bumping into someone. Both fell to the ground and Luz immediately focused.

"Oh, Amelia, I'm sorry." Luz said, standing up and helping the plant witch up, "Did really see where I was going."

"It's fine, I know how you feel, I wasn't looking either." Amelia said, "So, what are you doing today?"

"Honestly, not much." Luz said, "Eda and King pulled a body swap, and I wasn't going to let them in my body. I am way too powerful for them."

"Yeah, I mean, you turned us into animals, you turned Boscha into a seed and grew her into a flower in just a few seconds, I can see why you don't want them with that kind of power." Amelia said, dusting herself off, "Anyway, I was about to meet up with Skara and Cat, want to come? We're a bit lonely without Boscha."

"Sure." Luz said, "My day is free."

Luz waited for a second before asking the big question.

"Hey... you're friends with Amity, right?" Luz asked, "Do you... ever notice something... off?"

Amelia went rigid at that. She obviously knew something was wrong, but Boscha said to never ask what it was, and whenever anyone in the group decided to ask, Amity would just get quiet and walk away.

"That's... something we aren't supposed to talk about." Amelia said.

'Okay, this is getting weird, it's like this is some big conspiracy.' Luz thought.

She followed Amelia to a place on a small shack under a cliff called the Treasure Shack. Instead of a door, there was a blue curtain in its place. Amelia went in, and Luz followed her inside. Inside, Skara was playing a handheld harp, while Cat was reading a book.

'Okay, this doesn't seem so bad, pretty nice in here actually.' Luz thought, seeing the posters and beanbag chairs, 'Yep, Boscha totally had this place made.'

"Girls, I brought the local God." Amelia said, getting their attention.

The two looked up and saw Luz. Their faces lit up when they saw her.

"Luz!" They said happily.

Luz didn't know what it was about her that Boscha's gang liked so much, but they loved being near her.

'I think I just got disciples.' Luz thought.

The two of them put their things down and went over to her.

"What brings you by?" Skara asked.

"Amelia." Luz said, pointing at the plant girl, "She said you guys were a bit lonely without Boscha so I figured why not come over and see if I can spice the day up a little."

The two seemed to get really excited.

"Oh my Titan, yes!" Skara said, "Let's go cause chaos!"

"Uh, no, I'm not my uncle Marcus or Uncle Ares." Luz said, "I grow plants and talk to animals, not cause chaos."

"Uh, the conjuring?" Cat reminded.

"That was an accident, which then turned to self-defense, completely different."

The three witches shared a look, they knew Luz less than a week, and they already knew that disaster followed her everywhere she goes.

"So, let's go out and see what there is to do." Luz said, walking out of the Treasure Shack.

No sooner did she leave, that she looked down at Eda's stand and see her and King getting arrested. She rubbed her head.

"I left them alone... for five minutes." Luz said, "And King is in Eda's body, and Eda is in King's body, so they don't have any way of getting out of there."

Amelia leaned against Luz.

"So, sounds like you need some help." Amelia said, "Luckily, we're available. Right, girls?"

Skara and Cat nodded.

"The only problem I see, is that we have no disguises, usually Boscha's Illusions covers that, so we need to think of something to help with that." Skara said.

Luz smiled, she had an idea.

"Guys, hold hands."

"Oh, don't need to tell me twice." Skara said, immediately grabbing Cat's hand.

Cat rolled her eyes.

"What am I going to do with you?" Cat asked with a smirk.

"Maybe... kiss me?"

Cat put a hand on Skara's cheek and the two kissed. Amelia leaned over and whispered to Luz.

"Yeah, they're dating."

"That's... not what I meant when I said hold hands." Luz said, grabbing Cat and Amelia's hands, "Skara, grab Amelia's hand."

Skara did so, making it so they all were holding hands. Luz's eyes began cycling through animal eyes, making the other three smile widely, they loved this, especially Cat.

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