Ch. 14: Mobile Home

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After finding out about how this works, the trio placed a toy on the ground, Willow wanted a plant, but Gus and Luz outvoted her. Luz didn't want to use a plant, she can control them whenever she wants so why not do something she has no control over?

"So, we just have to hold hands and say some kind of incantation?" Luz asked.

"Yep!" Willow said, "Now come on, let's do this before the moon goes down!"

The trio held hands and Willow and Gus began to say the chant.

"Moonlight, we call, we sing. Moonlight, take this chance. Moonlight, come tie the string. Moonlight, start the dance!"

Luz on the other hand had her... own unique version.

"Moonlight... sing... chance... I don't know the words!"

She was many things. Immortal, a master tamer, one with plants, Daughter Nature, she was not however, a witch, so she had no idea what she was doing. That didn't seem to matter as they all began glowing and the glowing extended to the entire room. They looked at the toy and didn't see it moving.

"Did... did it not work?" Willow asked, very nervously.

She didn't want to think that she lost the bet and had to be Boscha's servant and do whatever she said. The house suddenly started shaking.

"Woah, what's going on?!" Luz asked.

She ran outside to see if someone was attacking the house, Eda did say she had a lot of enemies. It was best if Luz went out as opposed to Willow and Gus, she was immortal after all. She ran outside, and oh boy, she was glad she could become any animal, because she needed some wings. After becoming a bat and flying back up to the door, she turned back and looked at the sight.

"We... animated... the house!" Luz said.

The other two ran out and looked down, seeing that the Owl House had actual legs.

"I should ask Eda if this is normal." Luz said.

Suddenly, the house started walking, and Luz quickly learned why you don't have houses next to a cliff, because that's where it was heading! Luz rushed over to Hooty and put her hand on him.

"Hooty, stop!" Luz said.

It didn't work, the house kept walking.

"Why isn't this working!? He's an animal, I have control over them!"

The house bumped into a tree and Gus fell over the edge. The two plant masters ran over and grabbed him by the hands.

"Hold on Gus!" Willow said.

"Hooty, Stop!" Luz said.

For some reason, that made Hooty stop, giving Willow and Luz the opportunity to pull Gus up.

"W-w-why did he stop that time?" Luz asked.

"It must because we're holding hands." Gus said, "The Conjuring only works if you hold hands, and when you said stop we we're holding hands."

"Okay, well, I think we should get back and put the house down, if Eda finds out about this, then we're all in trouble." Luz said.

"Or... we can head over to Boscha's house and show her why I won the bet." Willow said.

"Uh, not that, that wouldn't be awesome, we really shouldn't make Eda mad." Luz said.

"Hey, Boscha just posted to Penstagram." Gus said.

Luz looked, it was a picture of Boscha's room, with the group, plus another girl that had green hair and a plant track uniform, around a simple doll. Luz looked at the caption, which said, 'Going to win this bet!'. She went through the comments, saying 'Going to kick Half-A-Witch's ass!' and 'Easy win' and 'Next up I'm going to deal with that human she got to help her'. That last one got to Luz, and she suddenly became a vengeful god.

"So... which way to Boscha's house?" Luz asked, as they grabbed hands and walked through the town.

Their thoughts of showing up Boscha made their minds not realize that a house walking... isn't that common, even in a realm where houses eat people. That's why it didn't take long for a certain group of people were called in to deal with the house... Demon Hunters. Unaware of the dangerous attack about to happen, the trio made it to a big mansion that Boscha calls home. Inside, the group were laughing as they held hands and made a doll move.

"I'd like to see Half-A-Witch top this!" Boscha said, "I doubt she can even make a fly move!"

The group is having fun, until the ground shook, knocking them all down, and causing the doll to become still.

"What... was that?" The girl with glasses, Cat, asked.

Suddenly, the window opened.

"Hi!" Luz said, "Want to come and have fun with a better Moonlight Conjuring?"

They rushed to the window and saw the Owl House standing there. Boscha's ears dropped and her face went white.

'W-w-what!?' She thought, 'There's no way that a human and two weak witches were able to do that!'

Boscha was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Luz help the others out of Boscha's room and onto the walking house. Luz looked at Boscha, the last one in the room.

"Want to come?" Luz asked with a smirk.

Boscha grumbled as she walked to the window and climbed onto the house, not wanting help from Luz.

"Now." Luz said, grabbing Willow and Gus' hands, "Let's go cause some mayhem!"

Daughter Nature by Mr. Hardcor3Where stories live. Discover now