Ch. 15: Home Invaders

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To say that Luz was surprised this was happening, would be an understatement.

"Fire!" Boscha said.

Skara and Amelia held the ends of a large rubber band so Boscha could pull it back. She released the band and it released a water balloon filled with paint, hitting a person and covering them.

"Bullseye!" Boscha said.

They laughed, while Cat was on the roof with Willow and Gus, drinking juice boxes. Luz walked inside and saw Amity on the couch.

"You know, the real fun is outside." Luz said.

Amity didn't look up.

"Hey, something wrong?" Luz asked.

"It's... it's nothing." Amity said, "Just... not too sure how to be a kid."

Luz sat down next to her.

"Yeah, I understand how that feels." Luz said, looking at her hand.

"What are you?" Amity asked.

"You really want to know?" Luz asked, "It's a bit crazy."

"Yes, I've seen you do things... no human should be able to do." Amity said, "I swear to Titan, you're a mystery!"

"There's your answer." Luz said.


"You said you'd swear to Titan... there's your answer." Luz said.

"You're... a Titan?"

Luz chuckled.

"No. I don't know what one looks like when alive, or what they are capable of, not saying it wouldn't be cool to be one, but I doubt I'd be able to do that." Luz said, "What I'm saying is, the Titan is your God... and that's your answer."

"You're... a god?"

"Yep, daughter to Mother Nature herself." Luz said, extending a finger and making a flower grow from it, "Animals, plants, I can understand and control them."

Luz plucked the flower from her finger and placed it in Amity's hair. Amity flinched a bit at the touch, but calmed down when she realized that this faint touch was filled with care and not hatred like her own mother's touch. Luz stood up and walked back outside.

"Willow, Gus, let's get moving again!" Luz said.

The two came down from the roof and they held hands. The house started moving. The entire group was having so much fun, that almost everyone forgot about the bet... except Luz and Willow.

"So, what are you going to do with Boscha?" Luz whispered.

"I'll tell you later." Willow said, "Because I'll probably need your help."

Luz smirked, if Willow needed her help, then it's going to be fun.

"So, where to?" Luz asked.

"Blight Manor." Amity said, "I need to show someone something."

Luz and Willow shared a look, unaware that Boscha looked away when Amity said that. Boscha rubbed her arm as the others just looked confused about what Amity was talking about. Still, the trio held hands and had Hooty walk towards the giant mansion on the hill.

"This is going to be interesting." Luz said.

"Uh, Amity... did your mom install a giant crossbow on your front lawn?" Willow asked.

Before Amity could say anything, several giant arrows attached to ropes were fired from multiple crossbows, holding the house down.

"Uh, what's going on?!" Luz asked.

"I think we alerted the demon hunters!" Amelia said.

"Demon Hunters!?" Luz said, as an arrow was fired into her shoulder.

Luz stumbled forward and looked at the arrow.

"Everyone, in the house, we need to barricade the door!" Luz said, pulling the arrow out, much to the shock of those that didn't know she was a god, "Did I stutter!?"

The group rushed in and Willow and Boscha pushed a bookcase in front of the door, while Luz picked up the couch and tossed it in front of the door.

"Oh, this is bad." Cat said, "The Demon Hunters are known for being some of the strongest, toughest, magic users in the entire world!"

"Well, I think they'll be surprised with what I bring to the fight." Luz said, "I have an idea, I need-"

The door was kicked open and a demon hunter came in, she had purple hair and a long nose, but she also had an axe with her.

"Hello, children... want to play?" She asked.

Luz quickly pulled a plant glyph from her pocket and slammed in on the ground, pushing some of her natural magic into it to make it stronger. The vines that grew from it wrapped around the demon hunter, it wouldn't hold her for long, but it was enough to keep her down while the others went upstairs. They ran into Luz's room and closed the door.

"Uh... Titan!" Luz said, "Mama needs you!"

Titan slithered down from his area in the rafters and came over to Luz.

"Hey, buddy, I need you to keep those demon hunters out, okay?" Luz asked, "Try and stay out of the line of fire, I don't know what I would do if you died."

Titan's tongue came out of his mouth. Luz pats his head.

"Good boy, go buy mama some time." Luz said.

Titan slithered out the door and down the stairs. The second he saw a demon hunter, he lunged and bit down on their arm, slowly wrapping his body around the hunter, slowly squeezing the life out of them, hoping he can buy his mother a little time. As Titan did so, Luz began to get an idea, there was too many for Luz to take, at least for her to take and keep the others safe, so she knew what to do.

"Everyone, grab hands." Luz said.

They did, not sure what Luz was doing. With everyone in a circle, holding each other's hands, Luz grabbed Willow's and Amity's hands, once again, Amity felt the difference between Luz's touch and her own mother's touch.

"Okay, what we're about to do, we have to do it fast, before the moon sets, or else Amity is going to get a neighbor." Luz said, "Everyone ready?"

"What are we doing?" Skara asked.

Luz's eyes began cycling through animal eyes.

"We're taking the fight to them." Luz said.

Everyone's eyes began cycling through animal eyes as well.

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