Ch. 16: The Pack

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The Demon hunters held Titan down, which was about as easy as you'd expect from a creature who is 23 feet, 370 pounds, of pure muscle. It took nearly all of them to just wrangle him off their co-worker before he could kill them.

"Put that damned beast in a cage!" The leader said, "The rest of you, follow me, we're getting these children and then we'll figure out what to do with the house demon."

They entered the house and looked around, seeing the place devoid of life.

"Spread out, look for them!" The leader said.

The demon hunters spread out looking for the kids, when the lights suddenly cut out. One of the hunters upstairs made a light spell, barely lighting up the area when two feathery creatures ran past them, knocking them to the ground and preventing them from getting a good look at the creatures. They looked up and saw two glowing eyes stare at them from the darkness at the end of the hall. The eyes quickly got closer... fast. A loud screech was heard throughout the scream, followed by the hunters scream. The other hunters hear the scream, along with multiple screeches. The sounds went on for several seconds, when it got quiet... too quiet. They heard something fall down the stairs. The other demon hunters rushed over and held a light spell out to see what it was. The thing that fell downstairs, was the hunter from upstairs, except their clothes were ripped, they were covered in bite and claw marks, and they weren't moving. The other hunters were a bit scared, making sure their colleague was alive. They were, thankfully. They didn't get a chance to focus on him as they heard movement. They looked up the stairs and saw three pairs of eyes, glowing in the dark. The only things they saw... was a pink snout, with a mouth filled with teeth, bit down on one of their arm, making them drop the light spell, sending the room into darkness again. The sounds of screams fill the air and it sounded like the other three ran down the stairs and joined the battle. The leader heard the fight, wanting to join, but then heard the sound of more of them upstairs.

"There's more of them!" The leader said, "Everyone out, we can't fight them in the dark!"

The hunters, those that weren't still being bitten and clawed by the creatures, ran outside. The creatures followed them, letting them see the large creatures... Utahraptors. Eight of them, to be exact. Each one with different colored feathers bases off their skin and hair, and some like Boscha and Cat, who has a patch of white feathers on her head or black squares around her eyes, representing Boscha's third eye and Cat's glasses respectively. Boscha, Skara, and Cat held the injured demon hunters in their mouths, throwing them to the ground in front of the others. Luz tapped her nine and a half inch sickle claw on the ground, and made some grunting and screeching noises, causing the others to bob their heads and run towards the demon hunters, while Luz went for the leader. She ran so fast that the leader didn't have time to react until he was being pounced on by the feathered reptile. Luz screeched in his face, causing him to put his arm up to hit Luz, but she bite down on his arm, causing him to scream. Luz let go, blood dripping from her teeth and she put her head close to the hunters head and growled, making the demon hunter prepare for the final blow... only for the raptor to speak.

"I don't like eating meat... but when I know that an animal won't die if I do, I will make the exception." Luz said, remembering when she ate Adegast's tentacle, "So just know, if I wanted to, I could rip off your arm and feed it to my pack."

The leader looked around, seeing that the others were defeated and the raptors were slowly circling their alpha. Luz let out a strong breath from her nose, knocking the demon hunters hood off.

"Leave." Luz said, putting her sickle claw on the Demon hunters chest, right where the heart is, "Don't make me kill you."

Luz snarled, waiting for the demon hunter's next move.

"R-r-retreat!" He said.

Luz pulled back and watched as the demon hunters ran away from the raptor pack. Luz turned to her friends and began making more grunting and screeching noises which only the others could understand.

'Everyone, use your sickle claws to cut the ropes.' Luz said to them in raptor speak, 'Willow, Gus, you two and I need to turn back and guide the house back to it's spot.'

'You got it!' Gus said, trying to salute... it goes how you expect.

'How do we turn back?' Willow asked.

'Think about what yourself, let my power do the work.' Luz said, 'Hopefully this will be the last time I have to let you guys use my power, but I doubt that.'

'If it does become a normal occurrence, can we hang out more?' Skara asked, tapping her claw in a rhythm, 'Because this is fun!'

'Just go cut the ropes!' Luz said.

The others ran to the ropes and began to use their claws to cut through the ropes, while Luz, Willow, and Gus changed back.

"Okay, everyone in the house!" Luz said, being the only one that can understand Boscha and her group.

The raptors ran passed Luz and into the house, and Luz couldn't help but notice how Amity's feathers weren't green like her hair or pale like her skin, it was bleached yellow and near gray.

'That's something I need to deal with later.' Luz thought, grabbing Willow and Gus' hands.

"Okay, back home before Eda finds out!" Luz said, "Because I don't want to be grounded for the next three centuries!"

The group began piloting Hooty back to his spot, thankfully, Eda didn't seem to be home.

"Okay, let's set him down and-" Luz felt a tap on her shoulder and went stiff.

Luz turned around and saw Eda, beaten up with a bloody lip, black eye, burns on her hair and skin, and her clothes were ripped... King was sleeping in a baby carrier, completely unharmed. Eda cleared her throat.

"Luz... I am going to ask you a simple question." Eda said, calmly, "... WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN THE THREE HOURS I WAS GONE!?"

"Uh, that's an easy explanation-"

"And what the hell are these things?!" Eda asked, motioning to Amity, Boscha, Skara, Cat, Amelia, and Boscha.

"Uh... Utahraptors." Luz said, "Am I in trouble?"

Eda nodded.

"Put my house down, and then you all, and that includes the animals too, are cleaning my house, top to bottom!" Eda said, "Without magic!"

They set the house on the ground, and Luz turned the others back.

"Well, that was certainly a fun night." Willow said.

"Yeah, that was way better than animating a doll!" Cat said.

"There's also... the bet." Luz reminded.

That made Boscha go white and her ears dropped. In the excitement, she forgot all about that.

"Oh, don't worry." Willow said, "I already know what I want to do with her. Tomorrow will be fun!"

Boscha just looked down and mopped, she didn't want to think about what was going to happen.

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