Ch. 10: The Covention Part 2

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The trio of friends arrived at the Covention center. They headed inside and Luz looked around, seeing multiple banners hanging from the ceiling.

"Woah, this place is big." Luz said, "Alright, give me a rundown on this whole thing."

"Those banners are the main nine covens. Plants, Beast Keeping, Potions, Illusions, Oracle, Construction, Bard, Healing, and Abominations. There are also hundreds of others a witch could join, but the top Coven... is the Emperor's Coven." Willow said.

"They're the only ones that allow you to use all types of magic!" Gus said.

'Oh wow, how cool, they're basically wild witches but apparently different.' Luz thought.

"Well, as cool as that sounds, show me some of these smaller Covens." Luz said.

The trio walked around the place, while in another part of the Covention, Amity was in the bathroom, looking at her true look in the mirror. Her breathing was heavy, and the dark purple bruise on the side of her neck was very visible. Her shaky hands slowly moved her hair tie to her hair. Tears formed in her eyes, from the simple act of moving her arms. It lifted her shirt a bit and on her stomach and side could easily be seen, as well as the many, MANY, dark purple bruises of all sizes, along with a few scars. She dropped her hair tie and closed her eyes, thinking she did something wrong and deserved to be punished. That's when she realized she was alone, letting out a small set of breaths, before reaching over and grabbing the hair tie. She managed to get her hair all set up and then placed a concealment stone on, turning her bleach damaged hair, which was beginning to fall out at this point, bright green. Her skin got a bit of color to make her look like she had healthy skin and wasn't reaching gray scale. Her eyes were no longer blood shot and were vibrant gold. She no longer looked like she was starving and all of her bruises seemed to disappear. She looked in the mirror and wanted to cry. This wasn't her, this was some image of a person put together, something she was very far from mentally, physically, and emotionally, sure she can fake it, but she hated it. She wiped tears from her eyes and left the bathroom to find her teacher. She was walking around and, in the corner of her eye, she saw Willow. Amity wanted to go the other way, but was surprised at who she saw with Willow.

'Is that... a human!?' Amity thought, 'How did it get here?!'

Amity wanted to walk over and see the human more, but was stopped when a hand touched her shoulder. Amity froze at the touch, her spine went rigid.

"Amity, it's time for your lesson."

Amity calmed down a bit, it wasn't danger it was her teacher.

"Y-y-yes, Miss Lilith." Amity said, not looking up.

Lilith Clawthorne, the leader of the Emperor's Coven. She wore a black dress with a diamond shaped gem on it, mint green eyes, black lipstick covered lips, dark navy hair that resembled the night sky, and skin so pale she makes snow look like dirt. She looked at her student with a bit of a concerned look. She knew that Amity was unwell, not to the full extent because of her concealment stone, but she knew that Amity was not in a good place, and she really couldn't blame her. Lilith wasn't stupid, she thought that same thing that Eda did, that Odalia... well... let's just say Odalia better hope she isn't locked into a room with the Clawthorne sisters any time soon or else she won't be getting out.

"Amity, are you okay?"

Lilith put a hand on Amity's cheek, and it took everything in the girl to not flinch at the touch.

"I-I-I'm fine." Amity said, "I just... want to work on my Abominations... I want to make my father proud."

Lilith felt her heart shatter at that, she held Amity close.

"I'm sure he's very proud of you." Lilith said, "I promise you that."

Amity closed her eyes as tears began to form.

"It isn't fair." Amity said, quietly.

"I know." Lilith said, "Come on, before we start our lesson how about we get you a cookie or something?"

Right as she said that, Amity's stomach growled. She hasn't eaten in a long time, she doesn't think she's eaten in at least a week.


As they walked away, Luz couldn't help but see them, and she knew just by the way Amity acted that something was wrong.

"Hey, who's that girl?" Luz asked.

"That's Amity Blight." Willow said.


"They're a wealthy family." Gus said, "But there was an incident several years ago and-"

"Long story short, Amity isn't doing well, physically or mentally." Willow said, "She's rarely without that stone around her neck, it's called a Concealment stone, and it changes her appearance. I saw her without it a couple times. It... doesn't look good."

Luz looked as Amity walked around a corner... she knew she had to do something, mostly so she could learn more about the Blight family, and maybe so she would be able to help someone in need... hopefully.

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