Ch. 11: The Covention Part 3

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After walking around for a bit, Luz was brought to an entrance. It was for the Emperor's Coven, and Luz was... less than impressed.

'They are basically just glorified wild witches.' Luz thought, 'But if it makes Willow and Gus happy, I'll see this demonstration, for a little bit at least.'

Willow and Gus went inside, full of excitement. Luz just followed, making sure to put her hood up. She sat down on the bleachers of... whatever this circular arena is.

'What is this place?' Luz thought, looking around, 'Wait, there's Amity.'

Luz looked at the girl, wondering ways she can help her. Before she could figure out a way, the lights got low. Principal Bump walked out on stage with a microphone that proceeded to float in front of him.

"Greeting citizens of Bonesborough." Principal Bump said, "You may know me as Principal Bump, principal of Hexside, and as principal, I've been asked what the height of magical achievement is."

A student stood up.

"Is it this?"

He made a spell circle and enlarged his head, causing it to become unbalanced and land on the kid next to him.

"Wow, I failed you as a principal." Bump said, before continuing, "It is joining the Emperor's Coven, the one coven that allows you to practice all types of magic!"

Luz rolled her eyes, but kept watching as she saw three witches appear in front of Bump, their uniforms consisting of a dark gray long-sleeved shirt with brown gloves and a brown belt with a gold buckle, followed by black harem pants and pointed brown boots. On their heads, they wore a white cowl with a pointed hood and hide their faces behind a light gray bird-like mask resembling masks worn by plague doctors. They all raised a finger and made spell circles, creating fire, water, and lightning, which combine in the air and create an explosion of magical wonder.

'Cool, but my mom showed me supernovas forming in deep space when I was two, and that is WAY better than this.' Luz thought.

Luz was really not focused on this, until a large light blue and transparent raven flew into the sky. It flew down and landed on the stage, turning into a woman with a black dress, wearing a white and gold hood, and a white bird mask. The mask and hood came off and the woman addressed the crowd.

"Greetings, Boneborough, you know me as Lilith Clawthorne, the leader of the Emperor's Coven, right hand to the Emperor, obeying and carrying out all of his, and the Titan's, commands!" Lilith said, "One day, you may be under my command, and if you're lucky... you may become my replacement. Let that stick with you, and motivate you to rise to the top. Enjoy the Covention and this presentation, and remember, the Emperor wants you."

Luz left the arena, not caring about the presentation. As she was leaving, she noticed... Amity wasn't here anymore.

'Huh, did she get bored of this too?'

Luz left the room and began to think about what to do. She walked around a bit, bought a fruit cake from a stall, just because she wanted to know what Boiling Isles fruit taste like, only to hear a bit of a scuffle. Luz, being a bit curious, she can become animals so she's got a cat's curiosity, decided to check them out. She turned the corner and saw a person, wearing a dark green cloak that cover their entire body and head. That, in of itself, was not strange, after all, Luz wore a cloak very similar, but what she paid more attention to, was the fact that Amity was backed into a corner, tears very clear on her face. Amity was scared, the person was aggressive, and Luz... was... Pissed. She walked over, grabbed the person by the shoulder, and with barely any effort, pulled him back, far back, he hit the wall on the opposite side of the room, and she did that... with ONE hand.

"I advise you to get away and leave this girl alone." Luz said, cracking her neck.

"Leave child, this girls mother has ordered me to make sure she's doing her absolute best." The person said.

"Judging by the look on this girl's face, I can tell that you are very clearly making her nervous and uncomfortable." Luz said, "Now, I can't kill you, but seeing as everyone is in the demonstration, I can wipe the floor with you."

"You can try."

The person moved at Luz, fast, but she wasn't worried, Camila and her used to play catch with asteroids bigger than the moon, so yeah, she's pretty strong. By the time the person got to Luz, they swung at her, but Luz easily dodged it and threw a powerful punch at the person, knocking them to the other side of the room.

"It sucks that I can't hold back, but I'll make do with what I have." Luz said, her eyes shifting between animals, before landing on one, "Oh this one will be perfect!"

Luz cracked her knuckles, because not only can she become animals, she can also take on any abilities of theirs, such as the venom of a cobra. It wouldn't kill him, but it would paralyze him, and making it look like she was used some powerful move. She held her hands up and smiled as the venom moved into her nails. The person went to attack Luz again, only for her to jab him, and inject the venom into him. He didn't know what to think, as he suddenly didn't have the ability to move.

"W-w-what kind of magic is this!?" He demanded.

"None of your business." Luz said, before turning to Amity, "Are you okay?"

Amity was a bit startled by what she witnessed, and even more scared when she realized that this girl that used strength that even the Construction Coven couldn't achieve, was the human she saw earlier.

"W-w-what did... how did-"


Luz turned around and saw Lilith rushing over. She basically shoved Luz aside and went to look over Amity.

"Are you hurt, what happened!?" Lilith asked.


"I was heading out when I heard this person being aggressive and forcing her into a corner." Luz said, pointing to "I couldn't just let him do something to her, I had to help."

Lilith looked at Luz and was a bit confused.

"I've never seen you before." Lilith said, "What kind of magic do you use?"

"Oh, I'm new in town, just arrived about a week ago." Luz said, pulling out her sword handle, "And for your question."

Luz made the sharp, thorn riddled, vine come from the handle.

"Plant magic."

It wasn't a lie... completely, she did in fact use plant magic... just... not their version of magic. Lilith had to say, and this was a rare thing for her... she was impressed.

"Well, as much as I'd love to stay and chat, I have to get going." Luz said before turning to leave.

The sound of a stomach growling rang in the air. Amity was a bit embarrassed, but the small meal she had with Lilith earlier could only do so much after not eating for a while. Luz reached behind her, don't ask where she puts things, even she doesn't understand how it works, and pulled out the fruit cake.

"Here, you need this more than me." Luz said, handing Amity the cake.

Amity, still a bit scared of Luz, took the cake. She looked at it and smiled a bit... her dad used to give these to her every Friday after Grudgby practice. By the time Amity looked back up, Luz was gone. It couldn't have been any longer than a few seconds, but all that was there was a small fly, flying away.

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