Ch. 25: Prison Break

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The cart bringing King and Eda to the prison was going along, unaware that the four birds flying after it weren't just enjoying the freedom of the sky, they were following it.

"So this is what flying feels like?" Catasked, "I love it! This is so cool! I can actually understand birds now!"

Luz looked at Amelia.

"Yeah, Cat secretly studies Beast Keeping."

"Cool, I can show her some things later."

The birds followed the cart as it was brought to a small jail/holding area just on the outskirts of Bonesborough. The four birds landed on a tree branch as Luz looked at the place.

"It looks like a small holding area, we could probably get in with ease, but the problem is the fact that they might recognize us." Luz said.

"That's why we usually have Boscha." Amelia said, "Her Illusions are second to none."

Just like Gus?" Luz asked them.

"Hehehehe, don't say that to Boscha. She's secretly jealous of how good he is." Cat said.

"So, how do we get in?" Skara asked, tilting her head.

"Hmmm." Luz thought for a second, "Alright, I have an idea."

Inside the jail, King and Eda sat in a cell, their hands cuffed, in each other's body.

"This is actually the worst thing that could've happened." Eda said.

"I'm sure Luz will save us." King said.

"Assuming she knows that we even got arrested." Eda said.

"Wow, not much faith in me, huh?"

Eda and King looked at a wall and saw a group of geckos. The look in their eyes showed higher intelligence, making the two curious as to who exactly they were but they could guess from the voice they heard.

"Luz, is that you? All of you?" King asked.

"Not exactly. It is me but with some friends to help." Luz said making herself known by wagging her tail.

The gecko's ran down the wall and over to the lock. She returned to normal and turned the others back to normal.

"Alright, Amelia, think you can get this cell open?"

"Easy." Amelia said, reaching into her back pocket and pulling out one of her power glyphs, "Stand back."

She put the glyph on and threw a punch at the gate, breaking it down. Amelia looked so proud of herself for committing a crime, rightfully so. She blew on her fist like it was a smoking gun.

"Okay, now let's get out of here before-"

A siren went off.

"That happens." Luz said, "Amelia, Skara, Cat, hold hands, now!"

The four girls held hands and Luz began to change them again, that way they were disguised. By the time the guards came in, they saw the most horrifying demon of all time.

"Giraffes!" One guard said in a panic.

"AAAAAAAAH!" Another screamed like a little girl, actually wetting himself in the process.

Skara walked up and hissed at the guards, showing the REAL side of the banishes demon.

"AAAAAAAH!" Another guard screamed before they all ran away in fear!

"Run for your lives!" A female guard screamed!

The guards ran and Luz turned them all back.

"Okay, let's get out of here!" Luz said.

King and Eda just stood shocked at what they saw, looking at the ground with dropped jaws as they grabbed them both to drag away.

"Come on!" Luz said.

Luz and the group ran down the halls of the prison, hearing the alarm sounding off.

"We might be in trouble!" Cat said, looking around!

"Yeah, sounds it!" Luz said, "Can anyone do something?!"

"Leave it to me!" Skara said, pulling out a small crystal ball, "Lets see if my spirits can lend a hand."

Skara's eyes started glowing purple and three spirits came out of the ball.

"Cover us!" She ordered.

The spirits nodded to Skara as they flew off but her eyes kept glowing, activating a second spell that spread around the entire prison.

"What's she doing?" Luz asked.

Amelia and Cat smiled.

"Oh, you're in for a show." Cat said.

The building began to glow, showing the guards futures that may or may not come true. A move that only one in a million Oracles can perform. That move was called Foresight and it gave Skara the ultimate edge in knowing exactly what to do next.

"Their distracted, let's go!" Skara said.

"Did you just use-" Eda's surprise was cut off.

"Yep! And since it has a low rate of success without repercussion, they're gonna be in pain for a while once the spell wears off." Skara said with a grin.

"Now let's go before, things get worse." Luz said.

"Right, but first." Eda reached and grabbed her staff, using it to perform a spell, "Body Swap!"

Her and King returned to their rightful bodies.

"Finally! I'm me again!" King said, feeling his body.

"Yeah, I never thought I'd miss the old bag of bones." Eda said about her body.

"I told you body swapping was a bad idea but NO. You didn't want to listen to the daughter of a GOD." Luz said to them, "Let's go!"

Luz shifted into a Tyrannosaurus and basically roared at them to get on her back. No one was going to argue with the 14,000 pound fossil. When they got on, Luz quickly took off, scaring a lot of people. As they took off, Lilith arrived, just in time to see the damage. She growled.

"EDALYN!" She screamed, knowing Eda was behind this.

They arrived back at the Owl House, and everyone got off. Luz turned back and looked at Eda.

"There, I saved you two, you're welcome." Luz said, "Now go inside and think about what you've done."

"Are you telling me what to-"

Luz cut off Eda by having vines grow around her. Her eyes were also still a Tyrannosaurus' eyes. Eda picked up King and went inside, even she knew a losing battle when she saw one. Luz turned to the three girls.

"Thanks for the help." Luz said, "I know it was kind of crazy, hope you guys aren't-"

"That was awesome!" Cat said.

"We never had that much fun before!" Skara said.

"Are you planning on joining Hexside? Because we could totally use you on the Grudgby team!" Amelia said.

Luz thought about it, she did have plans on going to Hexside, she would fit in there anyway.

"Well, I'm working on that." Luz said, "But you guys should get out of here, they might be looking for a big group."

"Good idea." Skara said, picking up Cat and used her red shoes with bat wings to fly.

Amelia made a spell circle and a plant came up from the ground, surrounded her, and brought her underground.

"Woah, maybe I could learn thing or two from them." Luz said, before going inside.

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