Ch. 21: Wailing Star

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Luz arrived at the library and was honestly expecting more security, after all, a place with books that teach any type of magic? Even the Pantheon has the library locked when no one is using it, even if the only ones that can reach it are the Gods themselves.

"Okay, Titan, we just have to get inside, easy enough." Luz said, looking at keyhole, "I can get small enough to get through here, then I'll open the door for you."

Titan made a hissing sound and uncoiled from Luz and Luz turned into a Blue Tailed Skink and climbing up the door and through the lock. She went down the door and turned back, before opening it and letting Titan in. He coiled back around her and the two quietly went around the library, looking for Amity. Luz didn't know why, but there was something about tonight that just made her a bit worried.

"Okay, I wonder what this star does." Luz said, quietly.

Just as she said that, a crying star flew passed the window. Luz watched it, before noticing that the books were starting to glow.

"Huh, the books are glowing." Luz said, walking over to a shelf and pulling one of the books out, "Extinct birds of the Boiling Isles? Oh, you poor animals, it's always a shame when an animal goes extinct."

She wanted to bring them back, but knew she couldn't bring something back, as she didn't know the status of their original home, it may do more harm than good. Not to mention she isn't strong enough to bring a creature to life. Still, she wanted to know about them. She opened the book, and suddenly dozens of birds flew out. Luz looked on in amazement as they flew around, never seeing such birds before.

"Woah." Luz said, before closing the book.

She mostly did it because Titan was looking at them and wanting to eat one.

"Of course you're hungry." Luz said, "You're always hungry. How does the rest of your species go months without eating but you never seem full?"

Titan hissed, which made Luz's eyes widen.

"Hey, where did you learn to speak like that?!"

Titan hissed again and Luz groaned.

"Never listen to Eda again." Luz said, putting the book back, "Come on, let's go find Amity, this star can bring the books to life, and if something bad happens, I don't think she's mentally stable enough to stop it."

Luz began to walk around, heading to the children's section, when she heard a noise. A deep growl like noise. She also heard struggling, like someone was in trouble.

"Oh no." Luz said, moving quickly.

She turned the corner in time to see Amity, being held against a giant book by some pink monster like thing. Amity looked too scared to move, almost as if the simple act of grabbing her has made her unable to move.

"Titan, time to strike." Luz whispered, "Go!"

The giant snake rushed off Luz and over to the giant monster. It bit down onto it's arm, making it drop Amity, while Luz ran up and delivered a punch that knocked it to the ground, dropping a giant needle. Titan wrapped his body around the monsters arm. This distracted the monster long enough for Luz to rush in and scoop Amity into her arms.

"Titan! Come on!" Luz said, rushing away from the monster.

"L-L-Luz!" Amity said, finding her voice again.

"Hey, Amity, I got you." Luz said, "You look like you've had an exciting night."

"Not the word I would use." Amity mumbled.

"Whatever, do you have a place to hide?" Luz asked as Titan curled back around her.

"Uh... the romance section!"

"As much as I like Romeo and Juliet, now is not the time for reading!" Luz said.

"No, there's a secret room there!" Amity said, "My friends and I go in there when we read about other types of magic!"

'Wait, I thought that was illegal here.' Luz thought, but ran to the romance section.

She put Amity down and Amity's shaky hands grabbed one of the books and pulled it out, revealing a secret room. They went in and the door shut behind them.

"Okay, so, what happened?" Luz asked.

"I... I was putting books away, when one of them dropped and opened." Amity explained, "The book was damaged and had writing all over it. I just planned on putting it in the garbage because we have several other versions of the book, when the books started glowing and... that came out of it."

"Don't worry, we're safe now, I'm pretty sure the Wailing Star is responsible for this." Luz said, "So all we have to do is wait here until morning and we'll be good."

Suddenly they heard a voice.

"Amity? You ready to go home?" Edric asked.

"Oh no, my siblings are here to take me home!" Amity said, "They can't fight that thing, we need to help them!"

Luz put her hands on Amity's shoulders, the mere touch felt so calm and nice that Amity started to relax.

"Don't panic, panicking never helps in a situation." Luz said, "You stay here, I'll help them."

"But what if-"

"I am a god, there is next to nothing that can stop me." Luz said, "Titan, watch Amity."

Luz left the room before Amity could argue. Amity hugged herself.

'I can't lose Emira and Edric... I would have no one if they die.' She thought.

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