Chapter 83: The Black Panther 03

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          The rescue team took the wounded Zhang Wen and the staff of the pharmaceutical factory to evacuate the industrial park, while Dong Yue stayed behind and waited for Cao Haitian to come over with Ji Lin and Lei Sende.

  The experimental body of Asmon is stored in the cold room of the laboratory, which is the source of attracting Asmon, and it needs to be completely destroyed. The destruction work, in fact, can be done by Leisende alone. The thick door of the cold room is not an obstacle that can prevent him from entering the cold room. 

          When Cao Haitian comes over, it is for evidence collection and a thorough investigation of the pharmaceutical company afterwards. factory ready. Breeding ** Asimon, this is definitely not a field of private research. This is not just a matter of researching power and technology patents, the most important thing is doing so without the ability to contain harm, and causing major disasters.

  Cao Haitian led the people there first, and Dong Yue, who was waiting in the corridor, was about to confess his mistake to Cao Haitian, but when he saw Cao Haitian's arm was roughly hung by bandages, he was unable to speak for a while. He didn't know if his own actions affected Cao Haitian's layout and indirectly caused Cao Haitian's injury. After all, he put Ji Lin in danger, Cao Haitian must be in a hurry, maybe he made a risky move in order to come over as soon as possible. With Cao Haitian's character, this is not impossible.

  "Colonel..." Dong Yue lowered his head and shouted when Cao Haitian approached.

  Cao Haitian raised his foot and kicked him on the calf, then grinned and cursed: "What are you thinking about standing there? You don't know how to salute when you see the officer?"

         "Hello, Colonel Cao!"

  Dong Yue shouted loudly After finishing, his eyes fell on Cao Haitian's bandaged hand again.

  "What are you looking at? Have you ever seen a broken bone? Damn it! I was so unlucky that I collided head-on with Asimon and was overturned." Cao Haitian finished his sentence in a bad mood, and looked Dong Yue up and down. Seeing that the person was not injured at all, he continued, "I broke an arm when the car overturned. I'm already very powerful. What's with your mournful expression? Something's wrong!" 

     "Colonel Cao, it's not because of me... "

  Cao Haitian gave him a blank look, and walked into the laboratory, "Don't put gold on your face, it has nothing to do with you! But you don't obey the orders of your superiors and violate the regulations, this has a lot to do with you. After this operation is over Go and receive the punishment yourself."

  "Yes! Colonel Cao!" Dong Yue, who followed behind, responded loudly.

  Cao Haitian ignored him and went straight to Ji Lin. After greeting Ji Lin, he looked at Leisende who was in the shape of a black panther beside him. Although he knew that Leisende's beast shape was a black panther when the battle with the beast king started at sea, but in Satellite monitoring and close-up encounters in reality are completely different things.

  This black panther is bigger than imagined, and it is imposing, but I don't know why it still maintains the appearance of a black panther. Can't you change back to human form first? You put me under a lot of pressure!

  "The Asmon experimental body is here, go in and deal with it now?"

  Cao Haitian looked at the black panther who was talking, coughed dryly and said, "I informed Professor Lin, the people from the Academy of Sciences will be here soon, I'll bring someone over to unlock the lock first."

  After speaking, Cao Haitian raised his hand, and the four people who came in behind him took the tools to flip the lock of the refrigerator.

  Although this is just a cold storage room of a pharmaceutical factory, it uses multiple locks such as fingerprint passwords, and it will take a while to open it. Not long after the four of them opened the door of the cold storage room, people from the Academy of Sciences arrived.

  As soon as Cao Haitian followed the people from the Academy of Sciences into the cold room, he saw a huge Asimon head floating in the light green liquid inside the transparent culture column in the center. Only the scales on the top of the head had scales. Green, I don't know if the culture fluid affects the visual effect.

  After Professor Lin and the others were busy for a while, after helping to collect relevant evidence, they copied all the data in the laboratory, and then cleaned up the culture solution in the culture column, removed the transparent column, and exposed the closed-eyed head to the air. middle. Now Cao Haitian could see it clearly, the green color coming out of the scales on the top of his head was not affected by the culture solution, but actually had a dark green color.

  "The color of this scale armor is different from that of normal Asimon..."

  "The size of the head is also different from that of ordinary Asimon. This size is a little larger than that of ordinary adult Asimon." "

  And it is possible to live with only a head. In the experiment we tried before, only the body part did not survive..."

  "Because this is not bred from ordinary Asimon cells, and this head is not ordinary Asimon's head either." The black panther flicked its tail and walked in front of the group of researchers, "This is from a junior Beastmaster. The head bred by genes has more tenacious vitality than ordinary Asimon, and it can live with a single head. It also has the unique spiritual power of the Beastmaster, which is why Asimon appears here—it was summoned by this head Yes."

  "You mean...that's the head of the Beastmaster?" One researcher stared wide-eyed.

  The black panther sneered and mocked, "This is far from reaching the standard of a junior beast king, and at most it is higher than an ordinary Asi beast. Although it has the spiritual power of a beast king, its strength is very weak, and it doesn't even have a clear self. Consciousness, it is only the instinct to send out a distress signal, which attracts Asimon to come over."

  "Wait! This is not cultivated with the cells of ordinary Asimon, but the cells of the king of beasts? Where did they get the cells of the king of beasts?" Professor Lin frowned and asked.

  "Mostly I got it from the beast's lair," said the panther.

  "What beast nest?"

  "In the opposite factory building, it was rumored that a strange nest was discovered more than a month ago. We went to see it yesterday and confirmed that there was indeed a beast nest inside." Ji Lin explained.

  However, no beast nest was found in this laboratory, and there was no corresponding remnant of the beast nest. Maybe the beast nest had been destroyed, or maybe only the remnants of the beast king on the beast nest had been obtained, which had already been tested in the experiment. Exhausted, this requires further investigation later.

  The people of the Academy of Sciences finished their work, and the black panther smashed the head of the experimental subject with one paw, causing it to die completely. The dead head was taken away by the Academy of Sciences to be completely destroyed. After completing the search of the industrial park and confirming that there is no hidden danger of Asimon, people will be sent to block the pharmaceutical factory.

  After the people escorting the Academy of Sciences left, the evacuation of the industrial park was almost over. After the area was searched and it was confirmed that there were no Asi beasts, the operation would come to an end for the time being.

  Lei Sende also participated in this final search, but he did not follow Cao Haitian's team, but formed a team of his own. The only teammate was Ji Lin who insisted on staying with him.

  After watching Cao Haitian lead the team to leave, Ji Lin turned his head and looked at Lei Sende who was still maintaining the posture of a black panther beside him, and asked, "Why not change back to human form?"

  Lei Sende: "No clothes."

  Ji Lin remembered before Lei Sende's nude photo taken by the surveillance video, his expression was subtle for a moment, he looked back at Cao Haitian and others who had already disappeared, and sighed, "I should have asked Colonel Cao for a suit just now."

   Sender also looked in the direction where Cao Haitian was leaving, "I didn't think about it just now."

  "The car can't be used." Cao Haitian left a car for them, but Leisende has no clothes and doesn't plan to change back to human form at all. Attitude, the car is naturally useless - that car can't hold him.

  Ji Lin glanced regretfully at the car in front of the pharmaceutical factory, with a hint of fatigue in the corners of his eyes.

  The panther leaned over and rubbed his cheek, then lay down on the ground, "Come up."

  Ji Lin was taken aback, "I can walk by myself."

  Resende: "It's too slow."

  Ji Lin wanted to say that maybe he was alone I followed Resende in the car, but looking at the soft fur on Resende's back, I felt absolutely comfortable to sit on. Moreover, he did feel a little tired. Last night, I was worried that Leisende didn't sleep all night. After seeing Leisende, his tense nerves relaxed, and the suppressed feeling of exhaustion surged up. After hesitating for a moment, he obediently sat on the back of the black panther. La Macao also grabbed Ji Lin's clothes, and followed the panther onto the back.

  The panther got up and started searching along the scent left by Asi beast. Ji Lin hugged the panther's neck, half lying on the panther's back, shaking his body with the bumps of the panther's running, and soon began to feel sleepy, and couldn't help yawning.

  Lei Sende: "Tired?"

  Ji Lin: "A little bit."

  Lei Sende: "Did you lose your mental power just now?"

  Ji Lin: "Probably not..."

  Is it because your mental power is exhausted and you feel tired? Ji Lin didn't know, but he was sure that he was tired of being quarreled by these little guys.

  Lei Sende: "You didn't sleep last night?"

  Ji Lin hugged the panther's neck tightly, and lied, "...sleep."

  Lei Sende didn't believe it, Ji Lin would not lie, he heard it I heard it.

  "It's because your back is so comfortable, that's why you're a little sleepy."

  Ji Lin, who didn't know the lie was seen through, continued to find reasons for his sleepiness. This reason is very pleasant, and Resende likes it very much. Just as he wanted Ji Lin to tell him a few more times, he heard the sound of breathing on his back become even and even - Ji Lin fell asleep. Panther slowly slowed down, from a run to a walk. For searching or something, this industrial park is not particularly big, Cao Haitian will naturally come to inform if there is news, and let Ji Lin sleep before that.

  And Ji Lin woke up, opened his eyes again, and found that he was in a ward of the hospital, and Leisende had changed back into a human form, and was sitting beside the bed in his clothes.

  "Are you awake?"

  Seeing Ji Lin opened his eyes, Resende leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth.

  "Why do I..." Ji Lin was wondering why he was sent to the hospital because he was not hurt or hurt, and from the corner of his vision, he saw the white gauze exposed by the rolled up sleeve of Leisende's little arm, and suddenly jumped off the bed Sitting up, staring at Resende's gauze-covered hand, "Are you injured?"

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