Chapter 115: Intermediate Beastmaster 14

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          After receiving the news that Ji Lin's helicopter was attacked by the Beastmaster, Cao Haitian felt his eyes go dark, and his hand, which was able to hold the gun steadily, trembled, and the communicator almost slipped from his hand. After he stabilized his hand holding the communicator, he wanted to ask something more. The communication over there has been cut off. It is obviously a very critical situation. Let the other side There is no room for detailed description.

  Cao Haitian took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and said to the deputy on the side: "Try to find a way to inform Lei Sende that Ji Lin and the others encountered the Beast King on the roof of the Central Building. Our helicopter formation will go there first, and find a way to save people! Hurry up!" !"

  The Beastmaster, who has never shown his face, finally appeared in this way, but at this time, the timing was terrible! Resende and the others fought with the group of beasts all night, and they were exhausted, and the Lama grass weapons in their hands were about to be exhausted, and they were already preparing to retreat across the board. But—right now, no matter what, you can't retreat, not only to save people, but also to kill the beast king! If you miss this opportunity, who knows when you will find the Beastmaster next time? Regardless of whether there is a chance of winning, this situation must always be tried.

  As for how to kill the Beastmaster, Cao Haitian didn't intend to rely entirely on Resende and the others. They were reaching their limits in the one-night battle. He didn't want his most direct and effective partner to Asmon to lose in this battle. middle. Cao Haitian began to consider the feasibility of using missiles against the Beastmaster after he rescued the man.

  "Colonel Cao, the unmanned reconnaissance drone has reached the sky above the Central Building, and the video has been transmitted." 

  "Let me see." Cao Haitian squeezed to the side of the communication soldier, staring at the four-divided video on the screen, and quickly frowned. frown.

  The situation was even worse than he had imagined. There were six people including Ji Lin on the helicopter that encountered the Beastmaster. Just a short while after the communication was cut off, all five of them fell to the ground except Ji Lin, their lives and deaths unknown. In front of Ji Lin, a wall of vines and a wall of fire lay between him and the Beastmaster, which should be Lama grass. Judging from the Beastmaster's evasive movements, Lamacao's attack is effective against the Beastmaster, but Lamacao's attack mode is very simple, with no combat experience and no strategic goals at all. It is fine to protect Ji Lin for a while, but after a long time, It is certain that Lama grass will lose. If Lamacao had the combat knowledge of a soldier, he might be able to protect Ji Lin from there...

  ——What are you thinking? Is it crazy to ask a few grasses to be proficient in combat knowledge?

  Cao Haitian squeezed the space between his eyebrows, then turned to ask his deputy, "Where's the rescue helicopter formation? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

  The deputy hurriedly contacted the helicopter formation.

  "Colonel Cao, the helicopter formation cannot approach the Central Building..."

  "What do you mean it cannot be approached!" Cao Haitian stood up awkwardly and said angrily.

  "They were flying towards the central building, but they suddenly found that they were flying in a direction away from the central building."

  "The hallucination of the beast king... Damn it!" Cao Haitian cursed softly, glanced at the image again, and crossed the two walls towards the sky. A plant of Lama grass that the Beastmaster launched an attack was slapped on the ground by the Beastmaster's claws, the flower pot was shattered into powder, and the plant twisted under the claws. "Where is Resende? Have you been in contact?"

  Resende and the others are now in the shape of a beast, without a communicator, so they can't contact directly. They can only find a way to inform them.

  "We got in touch. Resende and Teemo have already rushed out of the herd and are heading towards the central building. We filled up the herd, but we couldn't completely suppress it. Some of them were chasing Resende and the others. Go to the central building."

  "Try to stop the small wave of Asi beasts, don't let them hinder Resende, now focus on dealing with the beast king." Cao Haitian thought for a while, and finally decided, "Let's also go to the central building , some of the heavy fire troops will be moved over there."

  "But we can't get close..."

  "Let's go there first and see if Resende can do anything..." It doesn't make much sense to follow the herd of beasts now, and getting rid of the beast king is the key to victory in this war.

  The central building is not far from the main battlefield of the herd. The battlefield of the herd is on the edge of the high-rise buildings in the city center, while the central building is close to the center. Sitting on the off-road vehicle with the accelerator pressed to the bottom, it is driving all the way. It will be there in ten minutes. However, ten minutes later, Resende, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, saw several Asi beasts that were supposed to be chasing behind them appear in front of his field of vision. The Central Building was left far behind their convoy.

  Lei Sende's face was very ugly, he was careless, the beast king was more greedy than he imagined, not only wanted to deal with them, but also had his eye on Ji Lin. The place where the herd of beasts gather is to lure them to stumble, so that it can capture Ji Lin. Females with spiritual power are the first choice of food for Asimon, which can not only improve their reproductive ability, but also strengthen their strength, so the stronger the spiritual power of the female, the more Asimon desires it. Ji Lin, who was able to establish a spiritual connection with the first generation of Ramagrass, but did not have a mental breakdown, was obviously favored by Asmon for the intensity of his mental strength.

  Resende tugged at his collar. The military uniform that didn't fit his size was uncomfortable. Then he lowered the window, and before the driver beside him stepped on the brakes, he flipped over the roof with his hands, and rushed forward in the air. With a force, it landed in front of those Asi beasts, and quickly dealt with them quickly. The team also stopped amidst the sound of brakes.

  "Mr. Resende, what shall we do next?" The team captain got out of the car, walked to Resende and asked.

  Resende didn't answer, but looked up at the sky, and quickly found the huge falcon hovering in the sky, which was Teemo who was one step ahead of him. Teemo's animal form is more suitable for this rescue operation than his human form.

  Resende raised his hand, and Teemo quickly fell from the sky, folded his wings, and landed on the roof of the car.

  【How about it? ] Resende asked.

  [There is no way to get close from above, and the helicopters of the earthlings have been circling back and forth for a long time. ] Timo paused slightly, and then said, 【But that kind of drone flew in without being affected. 】

  Leisende looked at the team captain waiting at the side, "Help me contact Cao Haitian."

  This way, Leisende basically didn't speak much, but his whole body exuded an aura of anxiety and mania, with a strange sense of danger , The team captain did not dare to say more, contacted Cao Haitian, and immediately handed the communicator to Lei Sende's blood-stained hand.

  "Can you take pictures of the roof?"

  "Yes, Ji Lin is currently protected by Lama grass, but our rescue team can't get in." "

  Can you take pictures of the distribution of tall buildings in this area?" "

  Yes, you If you need anything, just say it."

  "Temo took me to fly over, and you can show us the direction according to the video." "

  This method will work! I will let the helicopter formation do the same!"

  Lei Sende didn't tell Cao Haitian more, and waited According to Cao Haitian's order, the captain of the team handed over the locator and communicator to him. He grabbed Timo's paw, and Timo took it with him, and flew towards the direction indicated in the communicator.

  The surrounding areas are all within the hallucination range of the Beastmaster. The real and fake things they see are mixed together. It is difficult to distinguish the direction, but they give up looking with their eyes and follow the prompts of the communicator. They are indeed approaching the central building. It didn't take long for Leisende to smell the smell that belonged to Ji Lin, and this smell was also mixed with the smell of Ji Lin's blood! The corners of Leisende's eyes were red with murderous aura.

  Timo flapped his wings twice, raised the altitude according to the smell, and flew towards the location of the Beastmaster. After a while, a notification came from the communicator that he had arrived at the rooftop of the building. Leisende let go of his hand, and instantly turned into a black panther and fell.

  When he started to fall, what he saw was the mid-air with no landing point. When his limbs landed on the real ground, his vision turned into a white rooftop. He was still in the illusion mirror of the Beastmaster, unable to see the real scene. Timo's figure was also invisible, and the other party probably couldn't see where he was.

  Suddenly, an unnatural gust of wind hit from the side, Resende quickly jumped to the side, dodging the surprise attack.

  "Roar——" Resende lowered his body, tapped his tail to the ground, and let out a low growl in the direction of the Beastmaster.

  Although he couldn't see it, he was just in front of him as the beast king. As long as this beast king is killed, Ji Lin will be safe. Leisende's ice-blue animal pupils stared at the front, and the killing intent burst out undisguised.

  A fight begins.

  "Raysende?" After hearing the roar, Ji Lin immediately looked around, but couldn't find Leisende's figure. Even the Beastmaster disappeared at some point, and he fell into the hallucination of the Beastmaster again. In the battle with the Beastmaster just now, he has experienced it several times, and he is no stranger to this kind of situation.

  But then there was the sound of fighting, which made Ji Lin nervous. He pressed the wound on his arm and stood up from the corner of the roof railing. The wound was when the Beastmaster broke through the two walls made of Lama Grass. He failed to avoid it in time. It was scratched by the Beastmaster's paw. It was not a big wound. In this freezing temperature, he pressed it for a while, and it stopped bleeding up. And the entire row of guardrails beside him were broken, which was the result of the battle between Lama Cao and the Beastmaster, this was not an illusion. Ji Lin ducked to the side, looking at the little bell wrapped around his leg.

  [Little bell...]


  [I see, I will buy flower pots for you later. ] Ji Lin said helplessly, [Help me now, okay? ]

  In the battle with the Beastmaster just now, except for the little bean sprouts that he carried in his coat pocket, the flower pots of other Lama grasses were all broken, and they couldn't beat the Beastmaster, so they were in a collective depression.

  Seeing the little bell rubbing against his leg, Ji Lin began to concentrate. Now he basically understands how to use mental power to guide and catalyze the power of Lama grass.


  Different from the sound waves that cracked the hallucinations before, this time there is a crisp bell sound. This sound that appears in the mind has a huge spread, whether it is the formation of helicopters trying to approach the roof of the building above, The troops brought by Cao Haitian on the ground all heard the ringing of the bell, and the illusion instantly shattered before their eyes.

  Ji Lin, who also heard the ringtone, turned pale with fright at the scene before him before he could be surprised.

  The Black Panther and the Beastmaster confronted each other, both of them had scars, but the Black Panther was more serious. The black panther stared at the Beastmaster and gasped violently, blood was dripping from his stomach, and soon formed a puddle on the ground.


  Ji Lin couldn't help but rushed forward, and at this moment, the Beastmaster suddenly turned around and rushed towards Ji Lin.

  Resende and Teemo in the air rushed out at the same time, rushing towards the Beastmaster without hesitation, trying to stop its movement.

  At the same time, Ji Lin retreated subconsciously, but he forgot that the guardrail behind him was broken and there was no obstacle behind him. His feet slipped on the trampled snow, and he fell on his back towards the downstairs.

  Lei Sende's pupils tightened suddenly, this distance...saving Ji Lin...couldn't catch up...

  Temo changed his direction instantly in the air, from Beastmaster to Ji Lin, trying to catch Ji Lin. Ji Lin fell sharply, and Timo followed him, but the distance between Ji Lin and him was too far when he fell, and he couldn't catch Ji Lin. As for the Lama grass wrapped around Ji Lin's body, for some reason, it remained silent. Just when Ji Lin was less than ten meters away from the ground, and Timo had no hope of saving Ji Lin, something happened suddenly. 

          Timo saw a small flowerpot with small bean sprouts fall out of Jilin's pocket, and then like an explosion, green leaves mixed with branches grew rapidly, and the mixture of leaves and branches spread around, quickly occupying a section The road continued to grow rapidly, and when Timo spread his wings to avoid it, and looked back, Ji Lin's figure had long been submerged in the green leaves.

  While everyone was stunned, the branches and leaves grew to the height of the central building, and then the vine-like surface began to change rapidly. The shape changed towards the human form, and the color turned to bright yellow in a large area, and the texture of metal gradually appeared, and finally it was finalized into a huge yellow robot.

  "This, this is Bumblebee, right? In "Transformers"..." In the silence, after witnessing the whole process, a soldier who came back to his senses first murmured with blank eyes.

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