Chapter 109: Intermediate Beastmaster 08

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 Regarding Ji Lin's reaction to the news of pregnancy, Resende guessed the beginning, but completely missed the subsequent development. At first, Ji Lin was indeed as chaotic and unacceptable as he expected, but after returning home... no, it should be said that after answering Yan Chengqi's phone call, Ji Lin had already calmed down—although he couldn't accept it, but he didn't Because the stimulus has too much influence on the mood.

  After returning home, Ji Lin took a bath as usual, then curled up under the quilt and read a book to pass the time before going to bed, and went to bed at that time, sleeping soundly in his arms until dawn, without waking up at night. Instead, it was Leisende, the person who informed the news, who had a rare insomnia all night.

  In short, Ji Lin behaved so calmly that Leisende almost suspected that Ji Lin had actually deleted the memory of the dormitory in the base research institute.

  Lei Sende brought the prepared breakfast to the living room, Ji Lin had already changed his clothes and came out of the bedroom, and was distributing small biscuits to the Lama grass around him. After distributing the biscuits, I took the tablet computer, opened a sci-fi movie for them, and put it on the ground, let them watch it around - this is Jilin's new interest in Lamacao recently. science fiction film.

  After Ji Lin placed the Lama grass, he came to sit down at the dining table, but saw Resende standing there opposite him, staring at him in a daze.

  "Huh? What's the matter?" Ji Lin looked up at Leisende in confusion.

  Lei Sende handed the chopsticks to Ji Lin, and asked tentatively, "Do you... still remember what we talked about last night?" 

  "Last night?" After Ji Lin took the chopsticks, he paused slightly, then Reacting, "Oh, about my pregnancy? I haven't forgotten!"

  Resende: But you look too calm.

  Ji Lin took the green vegetable and shredded pork porridge served by Leisende again, picked up two small dishes with chopsticks, looked at the porridge bowl in front of him, and said softly, "For me, this incident completely overthrows my own self. The existence of cognition. Since I was sensible, my physical cognition is that I am a man, and it is absolutely impossible to conceive and have children under normal circumstances. It is a woman's ability, so I find it difficult to accept. But the fact is the fact , exists objectively, no matter how much you deny it, it's useless. If it's a fact, then I'll try to accept it, but before that, I need to ascertain the fact." 

          Ji Lin paused slightly, raised his eyes and looked at Lei Sende, "Professor Lin and I asked for today's leave. I am going to go to the hospital for an examination after dinner. After confirming whether the pregnancy is true, I will think about the next thing." After listening to Ji Lin, his thoughts were clear and organized

  . The clear arrangement made Leisende stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but chuckled. By the way, this is Ji Lin, who is calm in situations and never loses his composure.

           Even when encountering the most unbelievable things, he can quickly calm down and follow his own train of thought to find the answer, just like him in human form for the first time. The same as when Ji Lin met. In the face of strangers of unknown origin, his Ji Lin also has such a gesture of calmly verifying the truth.

  "What are you laughing at?" Hearing Leisende's chuckle, Ji Lin took a sip of porridge, held his own porridge bowl, and looked at him strangely.

  Lei Sende pushed away the dishes on the dining table, and placed a few dishes between Ji Lin and himself. With one hand propped on the table, he bent over and leaned in front of Ji Lin, raised his other hand, and held Ji Lin's The lower jaw, kissed the corner of his mouth, and then stretched out the tip of his tongue to lick his lips, tasted the slightly salty taste of shredded pork porridge, and felt that today's porridge seemed to be more delicious than the ones made before.

  "I feel that you are very smart and wise. I have a good eye." After finishing speaking, he wiped Ji Lin's reddish cheek with his fingertips, and then Lei Sende withdrew his hand and stepped back, sitting opposite Ji Lin. He had no objection to Ji Lin's going to the hospital for an examination, and he didn't intend to hide Ji Lin's pregnancy from others. Leaving aside the fact that Ji Lin's situation was difficult, he needed a doctor's help from the cub to delivery.

  Ji Lin pursed his lips, lowered his head and continued to drink porridge, feeling that he was being molested by Lei Sende.

  Dong Yue came to pick up Leisende and Ji Lin at about the same time as usual. Ji Lin sat in the car, and Lamacao got into the car with the tablet rolled up, closed the car door along the way, squeezed at Ji Lin's feet, and continued to watch the unfinished movie.

  "What movie are they watching today?" Dong Yue turned around and asked curiously.

  "Transformers." Ji Lin replied.

  "Still addicted to sci-fi movies!"

  Lei Sende got into the car, Dong Yue turned around, started the car, and drove out of the community.

  "There is one thing I have been curious about for a long time. Are they considered plants? Can you see the picture without eyes?" Dong Yue asked while driving.

  "I can see it." Ji Lin replied, "As for the reason... Plants can photosynthesize and are very sensitive to light. I guess that's the reason." However, Lamacao couldn't understand the language in the video

  . Although I can hear the sound, I can't understand the meaning of it. They understand what people say by reading the mental fluctuations. Electronic devices are not living things and have no mental fluctuations. Naturally, Lama grass cannot understand the words of electronic devices. Nevertheless, they still asked to turn on the sound, and found the sonic vibrations coming out of it very interesting. Of course, regarding the interesting thing about the sound wave vibration, even if he has a spiritual connection with Lamacao, Ji Lin still can't understand what is so interesting about it.

  "Don't go to the base research institute, go to the hospital." Before Dong Yue drove out of the community, Lei Sende said to him.

  Dong Yue was taken aback, then glanced at the rearview mirror, "Are any of you feeling unwell?"

  Leisende glanced at Ji Lin slightly, grabbed his hand, and said to Dong Yue in front, "I'll take Ji Lin went for a checkup."

  "That's unfortunate, the medical staff in the hospital have already started to evacuate today, and the outside hospitals are closed, so I can only take it to the military hospital." Dong Yue said, "But don't worry. , the doctors in our military region hospital are very good, and their medical skills are no worse than those outside."

  Lei Sende looked at Ji Lin who was beside him, and Ji Lin nodded and agreed. Ji Lin originally planned to go to the hospital of Yan Chengqi's family. He is not from the military, and he is just doing an examination, so there is no need to occupy military resources. Unexpectedly, the evacuation was faster than he expected, and the people in the hospital had already started to evacuate.

  The military hospital is in the same direction as the military base, not far from the military base, and it didn't take long to pass by the military base before arriving at the hospital.

  In the morning, Ji Lin swore to Leisende that he would have an examination, but when he arrived at the hospital, he unconsciously became nervous. After the car drove into the hospital, he kept holding Leisende's hand and did not let go.

  "I know this place well, I'll help you register?" Dong Yue parked the car and said enthusiastically to Ji Lin, "What do you want to check?"

  Check what? Check for pregnancy! But Ji Lin couldn't say that. A man who said such a thing would probably be regarded as crazy. And if the test results come out, Leisende made a mistake, he is not pregnant, but a normal earth male, it will be even more embarrassing.

  Ji Lin didn't hesitate for long, and before Leisende could speak, he immediately said to Dong Yue, "No need to register, I'll go to the physical examination center for a physical examination! You wait here for us, help me look at Lamacao." 

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