Chapter 106: Intermediate Beastmaster 05

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Cao Haitian hung up the phone and was about to rush to the information department. He looked up and saw the soldier on duty who came to report Wu Dayong's situation was still standing there.

  "I'll call Leisende to come here in a while. You go to the door and wait. When someone comes, you can directly bring them to the Information Department." Cao Haitian said to the soldier on duty, and while putting on the coat draped behind the chair, he hurried to the office. Walk outside the office.

  "Yes! Colonel Cao." The soldier on duty responded with a serious expression, and then asked, "What about Colonel Wu in the reception room?"

  " Anyway, he won't be here for long. He was ordered to leave City S immediately and return to City B for investigation. The time allowed for him to stay is only so small. He will have to leave tomorrow morning, otherwise he will disobey the military order. Don't let him run around."

  After Cao Haitian told the guards on duty, he turned his head and walked out of the office. The sound of hurried footsteps sounded in the corridor outside, and then disappeared in the distance.

  Cao Haitian pushed open the door of the Information Department with a gust of wind. Rows of multi-screen computers filled the entire office hall. People sitting in front of the computers were all focused on the computer screens in front of them. The serious faces change color. Since the search for Asimon has focused on remote monitoring, the Ministry of Information has been working overtime every day.

  "Colonel Cao, this way." Cao Haitian walked into the working hall of the Information Department, and the team leader of the third group of the Information Department ran over and led him inside.

  "What's going on?" Cao Haitian asked the situation while following the three team leaders inside.

  "We found Asimon in the monitoring, but the search team at the scene didn't find it at all." The team leader of the third group said, and motioned the members of his team to open the abnormal surveillance video.

  This video is from twenty minutes ago. The video footage showed a street entrance, the sky was already dark, and there was no one in the footage. The unmanned scene didn't last long, and soon two military patrol cars entered the scene. The patrol car stopped at the intersection, and the search team that came down from above patrolled and searched the dead corners of the alleys near the street.

  The screen switched to a monitoring from another perspective. The search team of three entered an alley, and before walking far, a huge figure appeared in front of them. With a lizard-like body, brown scales, and scarlet eyes that shone coldly under the streetlights—this was an Asi beast. 

          On the video screen, the three-person team was about five meters away from the Asi beast, and the Asi beast was right in front of them by the street light. There was no obstruction, and the state could be detected at a glance. However, the three people on the screen didn't notice it, and they still kept searching, walking along the alley, but they approached the Asi beast step by step.

  This weird situation made the hairs on Cao Haitian's back stand on end.

  When Leisende proposed the middle-level Beastmaster before, he mentioned the idea of ​​hallucinations. At that time, he imagined the picture of walking in front of Asi Beast without knowing it, but his imagination was never as shocking as the real picture. . Cao Haitian stared at the picture on the screen, his body tensed unconsciously.

  When the three-person team was about three meters away from the Asi beast, the leader suddenly stopped, raised his hand to signal the two behind him to wait, and then covered one ear with one hand. Earbuds from the communicator.

  "We contacted them urgently and asked them to evacuate." The team leader of the third team explained to Cao Haitian what happened when the three stopped in the screen.

  Sure enough, as soon as the team leader finished speaking, the three people on the screen began to retreat cautiously, and disappeared from the screen not long after. And that Asi beast just watched the three of them evacuate with its eyes open, without any movement. A few minutes later, the Asi beast turned around and turned into another alley.

  "The search team has successfully evacuated, and no one was injured. We also notified Sig that the high-speed rail station he was in is the closest to this area." After the screen stopped, the team leader explained to Cao Haitian, "The monitoring team has been I was chasing the Asi Beast, but it entered the sewer ten minutes ago and lost its whereabouts. Major Lu led a special team to approach the search, and Sig is still heading to the place where Asi Beast disappeared last. I am not sure if I can Killed it successfully."

  The response to Lu Jun's side has already started in time, and Sig has also rushed over there, and there is no one who needs his help there for the time being. Cao Haitian stared at the static picture on the screen, his brows were tightly furrowed, and the Asi beast that was close to him but could not be found, this picture was not only horrifying, but the most important thing - this was enough to prove the strength of the middle-level Asi beast. exist.

  Cao Haitian's heart sank. Although he was mentally prepared, he didn't have any definite confirmation. He always had a fluke mentality. Maybe it was all just Leisende's misjudgment, maybe it was hard to find Asi beasts because they were well hidden... ...but at this moment, all luck was shattered—the middle-ranked Beastmaster had indeed appeared.

  Cao Haitian waited in the information department for a while, and then Leisende rushed over with Ji Lin. The two of them didn't say much, and Cao Haitian asked someone to replay the video just now.

  "Get ready to face the middle-ranked Beastmaster." After watching the video, Resende said slowly.

  "I know..." Cao Haitian wiped his face, "How can I find this middle-level Beastmaster? Since this Beastmaster can cause hallucinations, the chances of finding it by manual search are too small. Using remote monitoring can avoid getting caught. Surveillance is everywhere in the entire city, which is difficult to achieve." 

  "Without special tools, it is very difficult to find the middle-level beast king." After a while, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have misunderstood Resende's meaning.

  "Yes, I mean confrontation." Lei Sende looked sideways at Cao Haitian, "meaning that the middle-level beast master will come to us." 

         "Lord, come to us on his own initiative?"

            "the traces of Asi beasts only appeared in this city, that is to say, all Asi beasts stayed here. Then why do you think they are kept in this city?" 

          "Maybe... there is no special reason?" Cao Haitian twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly.

  Resende sneered, "You have a good idea, but in terms of the habits of Asi beasts, when there is no reason and there are not many powerful opponents, they will choose to disperse and expand their territories, and hunt all-round to speed up reproduction. "

  "Just tell me directly, what is the purpose of Asi Beast staying in our city S." Cao Haitian said with a grim face.

  "I'm just guessing..." At this point, Resende's voice sank, and his eyes turned back to the video screen, "The Asi beast in this video, it saw the three people, but it didn't attack. Behavior. Asi beasts don't eat males, it's not that they don't kill males. Ordinary Asi beasts actually have an instinct to attack people who are not of the same race. At such a short distance, without special circumstances, it will not just watch them leave. The reason There is only one, the Beastmaster restricts their actions. As for why? I guess the Beastmaster doesn't want to cause too much noise as much as possible. It is building up its troops and wants to remove obstacles in one fell swoop." 


         "Our Mandel Planet Territory people." Lei Sende glanced at Cao Haitian, "It is we Mandel Starfield people who have the ability to kill the Beastmaster. After killing us, there will be no creatures on the earth that can threaten its survival." 

         Cao Haitian silence. I have to admit that the intelligence of the middle-level Beastmaster is indeed not low. Without Resende and the others, if they wanted to hunt and kill Asi Beast, they could only use weapons of mass destruction. Yes, they now have Lama grass weapons and the ability to kill Asi beasts, but they are consumables, and they need to continuously extract materials from Lama grass. There is no way to get materials from Lama grass, so why use Lama grass weapons?

  "However, this is just my guess right now." Resende added.

  Cao Haitian smiled wryly: "I'm already afraid of you saying the word 'guess'." It was previously speculated that there might be a mid-level beast king, but it has just been confirmed. The conjecture I am talking about now is estimated to become a reality, after all, there is not much evidence.

  "Colonel Cao, Major Lu sent a message saying that Sig failed to track Asi Beast." The team leader in charge of liaison reported to Cao Haitianhui.

  "I see." Cao Haitian was a little disappointed, but Sig couldn't be blamed.

  Now the people from the Mandel Starfield are helping to evacuate the citizens and are stationed at the station airport. It is different from the situation of following the search team before. Their position is not in a regular movement. It is better to be closer to the station airport. The distance is far. It is obviously too embarrassing to respond in time. Seeger's position is already the closest to the place where Asi Beast appeared, but when people rushed over, they still missed the opportunity and failed to track.

  Asi Beast's pursuit came to an end, Cao Haitian took Lei Sende and the others out of the information department, transferred to his office, and asked Lei Sende about his next plan in detail. Resende gave him a not-so-good but expected answer. Once the middle-level beast king or herd of beasts were found to attack, they would focus on dealing with Asi beasts, and they would take full responsibility for the evacuation of the citizens. Cao Haitian was not surprised by such an arrangement. Leisende and the others were too few, and they couldn't make too many plans in the face of group attacks, so they could only focus on the front.

  To speed up the evacuation of citizens, we must apply to General Nie for all-round reinforcements to station in City S as soon as possible, and prepare the layout as soon as possible, otherwise we will not be able to provide strategic assistance to Leisende and the others. With a heavy heart, after talking with Leisende, Cao Haitian personally escorted him out of the administrative building.

  Dong Yue's car was waiting outside, Lei Sende helped Ji Lin open the back door, let Ji Lin sit in first, then went around to the other side, was about to open the door to get into the car, but was stopped by Cao Haitian.

  "For helping to evacuate the citizens, I want to thank you again." Cao Haitian looked at Leisende and said.

  "I'm looking at Ji Lin's face." Lei Sende glanced at Cao Haitian and said calmly.

  "I know."

  Resende didn't speak any more, opened the door, and bent down to get in the car.

  Watching the car carrying Leisende and the others go away, Cao Haitian let out a long breath, and turned into a cloud of white mist in the cold air, and his heart fell back to the original place - it seems that Leisende is I didn't care about Colonel Wu anymore, thank God, thank Ji Lin.

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