chapter 1

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What if you were being chased by someone? What if him and his whole family were begging you to be by his side? But what if you were going to say yes to his proposal but his ex wife threatened you and your whole family if you go anywhere near him she will make you wish you had died? What would you do?

Well that happened to me. Im Stella Dandbury and i'm being and im being threatened by Kate Sharma, i think you would want to hear this from the beginning, so let's go back to the day my dad sent me to live with my grandma lady Danbury


"But dad, why do i have to live with grandma danbury" "sweetheart you know you need to be presented and since your mother passed away, you need a woman and lucky my mother has taken the time to do that for you"

I sighed cause i didn't want to be married  i want to die alone with my 15 cats by my side and have no kids but knowing my father he would not let it me live my dream

I spent 3 hours in the carriage with my arms crossed just complaining to myself. "I'm 23 why can't i stay at home and do whatever i want" i whispered to myself but my father pretend to not hear me

As we got to my grandma's house she gave me a hug and told me to go settle down in my room.

As i was nearly finished unpacking she came in and sat on my bed "your father has left so once your finished we can go out i want you to meet one of my friends her daughter will be courted with you" i nodded and went back to unpacking 

My grandma got up and walked to me and said "i know you don't want to be out at all but trust me you will love it" i smiled and she walked out my room

As we left it took us a few minutes by carriage to get their but once we did the house was beautiful my grandma turned to me and said "this is the Bridgerton so make sure your polite to them" "yes grandma i promise" i replied with a smile

We went inside and I said hello to everyone. They all seemed so nice. We stayed there for about an hour but just as grandma and I were about to leave someone walked in. 

When our eyes met it felt like the world had frozen and it was just us too, "ahh Anthony come meet lady danbury granddaughter" Violet said. He walked up to me took my hand and kissed it i smiled and as he let go i could see kate looking really mad i just ignored her and left

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now