chapter 19

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Anthony: Stella Danbury would you do me the honour and become Stella Bridgerton

Stella had tears running down her face, she couldn't speak all she could do was smile and nod 

Anthony smiled got up then wrapped his arms around her while spinning her around 

Anthony: mum we have to go

Violet: go where

Anthony: we can't risk lady whistledown finding out were getting married tomorrow

Stella: so were doing it now 

Anthony smiled and nodded 

Stella: but don't we need a witness

And out of nowhere Eloise came out

Eloise: i'll go since the day i caught Anthony in her room i've been secretly hoping they would get together 

And as the three of them went. They got in a carriage and went to the nearest church that was still open 

Eloise had the biggest smiled on her face as she was so happy to see her bother with someone she knows the whole family loves

The three of them was safe well at least they thought they where

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now