chapter 7

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Stella sat with Eloise and all of a sudden Eloise sat on the opposite side of Stella, Stella was about to ask what's wrong when Eloise spoke "Collin come sit with us"

Collin at next to Stella, and Stella was just so confused "you remember what to do Collin" Eloise said "yes sister i know what i'm doing" Collin sat back and put his arm on the back of Stella chair just as she was about to ask what's going on Eloise spoke again 

"Stella do me a favour lean back into Collin and laugh like he said something funny" 

Stella did what she was told and all of a sudden she could feel eyes on her but not just any eyes Anthony Bridgerton eyes

She turned to look at Collin just to see Anthony but just by the look on Anthony he was furious 

Anthony could tell Stella was looking at him so he leaned his head towards the door hinting for her to meet him and she smiled with her eyebrows as if it's an okay and he left the room 

After about 5 minutes Stella excused herself to go to the bathroom and went into Anthony study

"I don't like you being anywhere near him or any other man" he said as she closed the door 

"Excuse me" she said confused 

"I don't want you anywhere near my bother unless i'm with you do you understand me" his face was five inches away from hers she could feel his breath coming onto hers 

"Or what" and just like that his kissed her he kissed her so passionately you would think they were meant for each other 

As he was kissing her she pulled his blaser off and he took off her dress 

You could hear moaning outside of the office, one of the maids ran and told lady Bridgerton

She didn't believe at first bit when she looked around the room and noticed that both Anthony and Stella missing she though the worse 

"Violet is everything ok" lady Danbury asked "i fear not one of the maids just told me they could hear moaning outside Anthony study"

Lady Danbury told her it's properly nothing until the words came out of Eloise mouth 

"Where's Stella? She's been in the bathroom for too a while now hope she's okay"

Both lady Danbury and lady Bridgerton looked at eachother and ran for Anthony study 

But when they opened the door they both wished that they would erase their memories of that both had just saw 

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now