chapter 3

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Eloise decided to join us and all five of us had a blast, i left there room and started to get ready for bed and just as i was about to get in i heard the door to my balcony knock, as open the door and saw Anthony he had one arm leaning on the top of the door smiling 

"Hey what you doing here" i smiled and told him to come in and he sat down on the bed before i sat down i made sure my bedroom door was locked and sat next to him "i missed you that's all" 

I tilted my head as i smiled at him even harder, he put one hand on my cheek and said "i wanted to thank you for bringing my sisters and brother here you don't know how much that means to me"

I looked him in the eyes as i leaned into his hand and said "well i had to do something when Fran came here telling me she wanted to stay cause everyone was fighting i had to do something" 

Anthony looked down and as i mentioned the fight "Tony is everything ok" he sighed loudly "it's Kate, she has this wild imagination saying that i'm in love with you and i had been since the moment i met you" 

I started to panic case i didn't want to be a homewrecker, if i was the reason they got divorced it would break my heart cause my mother did that with my father and his ex wife and i didn't want to end up like her

Anthony could tell something was wrong with her so to distract her mind he picked her up and laid her in bed. Stella looked at him confused as he went around the bed took his shoes off and layed in bed. He put her head on his chest and started to stroke her hair and said "i'll be gone by morning so don't think just relax" 

With him stroking her hair she fell asleep really fast, faster than normal, and with her next to him he had the best sleep he's had in years. When Anthony woke up in the middle of the night he laid her head on a pillow and unlocked the door just as he was about to climb down the balcony her door opened and in came Eloise.

Eloise was shocked to see his brother in her new friend room, she walked up to him really fast and asked "what the hell are you doing here"

Anthony froze he didn't expect to get cause on the first night "i had to see her" 

When Eloise saw the look on his face she knew she couldn't tell anyone because he was starting to like her but he didn't know it yet. She told him she will keep his secret and he climb down while she walked out 

As she got back into bed all Eloise was thinking about was, what if Stella and her brother got married, she got excited for that and hoped for it to happen 

Eloise loved Stella, all the bridgetons did and some loved her more than they should have 

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now