chapter 16

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I opened my eyes to find myself and found myself in a dark room, i felt my arms tied to something i'm assuming it was a chair

I wiggled my hands trying to get it to free but it wouldn't work, i did that for what seemed like 30 minutes 

???: it wont work

The voice from across the room said then all of a sudden the light was switched on which blinded my eyes 

I looked at the voice and saw it was Kate smiling evilly at me 

Stella: Kate let me go please

Kate: and why would i do that you took my life 

I looked at her confused 

Stella: how did i steal your life 

Kate rolled her eyes then grabbed Stella chin and tightly squeezed it

Kate: Anthony and i where about to try for a baby and that homeless child 

Stella: Sybil 

Kate: whatever her name is, was supposed to me mine 

Stella: i didn't mean for Anthony to fall in love with me i swear it just happened

Kate: no you did it on purpose

Stella: actually i was forced to do all this my father made me do it and after my mother passed away i wanted to die alone with 15 cats but my father won't let me

Kate took her hand off stella and grabbed a baseball bat

Kates: there's only one way to make sure you don't marry Anthony 

She lifts the bat and just as she was about aim it at Stella, Stella quickly blurted out a secret she still hasn't told Anthony yet and hoped it will help her from not dying


Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now