chapter 30

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I woke up confused, last thing i remember was crying on the bathroom floor with Anthony and now i'm in bed 

Stella mind: Anthony must have brought me back 

I got up and went to the bathroom and noticed im not bleeding anymore all i could think of was

Stella mind: how long was i asleep for

I walked out the bedroom and saw Anthony screaming 

Anthony: hey my darling are you ok 

I shook my head in confusion 

Stella: i need you to call the doctor 

Violet: why is everything ok

Stella: i don't know i have stopped bleeding 

Anthony called for the doctor as fast as he could

Doctor: you are still pregnant

Stella: then why did i bleed earlier on today

Doctor: its normal to have little but of blood while pregnant

Violet: no she had a lot of blood it's like she lost the baby or something like that

The doctor looked back at his charts 

Doctor: it says she still pregnant maybe when the baby is born we will do some tests on you and the baby

Anthony: why not now

Doctors: because if we do it now she might lose it for real which we do not want 

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now