chapter 15

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As Stella walked down the stairs all dressed and ready for the day, she was holding onto Sybil hand and as the two of them entered the living she noticed her grandmother sitting there waiting for her

Stella: grandmother what are you doing here

Lady Danbury heard her granddaughter just as she was about to speak she saw her holding a little girl hand 

Sybil: mama who's that?

Lady Danbury was confused. All that was running in her mind was 'who is she? Why is she calling her mama? She didn't give birth before marriage did he?' 

Stella kneeled down to Sybil and said 

Stella: Sybil why don't you do in the office and see if your dad is here

Sybil smiled, nodded then ran off to Anthony office 

Lady Danbury: who is this child and why is she calling you mama

Violet: Agatha before you start thinking weird though

Lady Danbury: too late i already have, i came here to take my granddaughter back so her father can take her home but i see she's already had a child

Stella: ENOUGH! I will not come back with you and that child is my daughter she came to anthony and i a few days ago and he helped me adopted her

Lady Danbury got so mad that she walked out the house furious with violet chasing after her trying to calm her down

Stella sat on the sofa with tears running down her eyes, she put her hands over her eyes as she started to cry and felt someone rub her back 

As she looked up to she who was rubbing her back it was Eloise 

Eloise: she will come around you will see

Stella: it's not that

Daphne: then what is it about

Stella: she has never approved anything i do there's always something wrong

Eloise: then why did you move in with her 

Stella took a deep breath then explained how she didn't want to come and the only reason her father made her go was not because to find her a husband but to see if they could finally get along with each other 

Stella got up and walked to Anthony office but just as she was about to enter someone covered her mouth and grabbed her then kidnap her

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now