chapter 21

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Stella: i think i know who lady whistledown is

Anthony: well who

Stella grabbed her husband hand then spoke 

Stella: i think Penelope is lady whistledown

Anthony: i don't know 

Just before Stella could explain Collin walked in 

Collin: mother told me to come and check up on you

Stella: yeah I'm just tell him who i think is lady whistledown

Collin: Penelope right 

Anthony turned his head to his brother confused while Stella had the biggest smile on her face 

Anthony: not you too brother

Stella: think about it she's always here and in the room whenever something big happened to me

Collin: besides she's told me how much she hates Stella so that might be one of them 

Anthony still didn't believe Stella so Stella came up with in idea she dragged the two boys back to the drawing room

Stella: alright everyone in this room is playing truth or dare 

Penelope had a worried look on her face

Pen: i think i should go

Stella: why got something to hide

Pen: n-no

Stella: then sit 

Benedict: okay who's first

Daphne: Anthony truth or dare

Anthony: truth

Daphne: how did you feel when Sybil came up to you and Stella admitting she had no family

Anthony: happy it meant Stella and i can finally be a family

Everyone in the room awed while Stella gave her husband a quick kiss on the lips

Stella: pen truth or dare

Pen: its Penelope to you and dare

Stella: i dare you to tell us what you have against me

Eloise: ain't that 

Collin covered his sister mouth

Pen: i don't have anything against you

Stella: thats a lie and everyone here knows it

Pen: how would you know

Stella: we can see it in your eyes how much you hate me

Pen: i'm telling you the truth i don't hate you

Stella: then why did you help Kate kidnap me 

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now