chapter 5

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As queen Charlotte walked in, she sat next to me put her hand on my chin and said "i'm not making you a diamond because you are something else" 

I looked at my grandmother in worry and just by her look i could tell she didn't want me to worry "may i ask why im here then your majesty" 

Queen Charlotte smiled and said "i've heard good things about you so i've decided to give you this"

It was a beautiful diamond bracelet with some emerald on it 

It was a beautiful diamond bracelet with some emerald on it 

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I was left speechless. I had no words, it was so beautiful but before i could say anything my grandmother spoke 

"what's your catch Charlotte" i looked at her confused why is my grandmother being rude to the queen of england 

"I have no catch every royal has given her something so i wanted to do the same" my grandmother looked at her and queen Charlotte spoke again "oh alright i want her to marry my nephew" 

I looked at her confused, she wants me to marry her who now but that was nothing what my grandmother said next left me in even more shock 

"She's already has a suitor Charlotte so unless your going to give her that without marrying Prince Friedrich then we should be on our way we have to get her ready for the ball tonight" 

Queen Charlotte closed the box and put it in my hands and my grandmother grabbed my hand and pulled me out the castle

I tried to ask her who this suiter was but she wouldn't let speak 

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now