chapter 14

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 As Stella got into bed with Anthony he turned her to face him and said 

Anthony: so Sybil came into my office today

Stella: i know she came up to me and said 'mum where's dad'

Anthony sat up in shocked 

Anthony: she said what 

Stella looked at him confused

Stella: wait, what did she say to you

Anthony: she called me uncle A 

Stella burst out laughing which made Anthony laugh as well 

Anthony: so i have good news tomorrow once i sign the papers im a divorce man

Stella smiled so big that she wrapped her arms around his waist tightly after a while she let go and looked up at him with her head still on his chest 

Stella: so that means

Anthony: we can get married soon

Just before he kissed her their door opened and a sleepy Sybil walked over to Stella side of the bed

Sybil: mum can i sleep with you and Uncle A

Stella nodded and tried not to laugh at what she called Anthony. She though for a moment the asked 

Stella: Sybil love why do you call me mum and Anthony Uncle A

Sybil: once you two get married then its mum and dad

Anthony: then we better marry quickly then right

Sybil: right 

The three of them chatted in bed for a while until they all fell asleep with the Sybil arms wrapped around both Stella and Anthony, Stella having her hand on Anthony chest and her arms around Sybil and Anthony having both arms wrapped around Stella and Sybil protecting them both

If you saw it you would be confused on how they are not uncomfortable but to them they were so comfortable that it felt right to them.

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now