Chapter 11

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Stella had been waiting at the port for the boat for a few hours now and just as she was about to get on the boat she heard someone scream her name she turned around and saw it was Anthony

She quickly got out of line and walked towards him, he got off his horse and wrapped his arms around Stella 

"Where are you going?" he asked her as they finished hugging. Stella looked up at Anthony and said "i don't know but i can't be here anymore it's so so hard Anthony" 

A single tear ran down her face, Anthony quickly wiped it and said "your not going anywhere Kate admitted it was her and mother has sent me to bring you back"

Stella looked worried that if she goes back she might get so much hate. Anthony could see the worried look on her face, he quickly put his hands on her cheeks and she leaned into it then he spoke "if you wont come back then i'm coming with you" 

Stella looked at him confused "but what about your family?" "i've said goodbye to them just in case and benedict knows he might have to take over i just have to send word to let him know he will lead and then it's just you and me" 

Stella wanted to feel relieved but all she could think about was Kate and if she comes back what would Kate do to her 

"But" before she could say anything he spoke again "your not going to get rid of me that easy i'm with you weather you like it or not now where are we going on the boat or back home" 

Stella smiled at him and just before she could say anything a little girl in ripped clothes and messy blond hair and a scarf wrapped around her head tucked at Stella's dress 

Stella looked at Anthony and both of them looked worried Stella bent down to the girl level "hi sweetie what's your name and how old are you" she said softly the girl smiled and said "im Sybil mam and im this many" she holds up 3 fingers 

Stella looks at Anthony worried "Sybil where are your parents?" Sybil shrugged her shoulders but clung onto Stella tightly so Stella thought she would ask "Sybil what happened to your mum and dad?" Sybil looked Stella in the eyes and said "i found them on the kitchen floor with knives in them i tried to get the police but no one would listen to me"

At that moment Anthony started to worry "Sybil when was this" Stella nods and Sybil spoke again " a few months ago" 

Stella looks at Anthony and says "we can't leave her here" Anthony nods and responds "i agree she seems like she really likes you so let's take her back and decide from there"

Stella nods take Sybil hand and leads her back to the Bridgerton house 

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now