chapter 6

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It's been a few weeks since then and Kate has hated me more and more and i feel so bad, she has left the bridgerton house and has moved away to in with her sister a few houses down 

I walked in the bridgerton house cause i was meeting Eloise in the drawing room, as i walk in the room i see her in the corner reading a book i sat next to her looking sad 

She looks up and puts her book down then looks at me "what's the matter Stella" a deep sigh left my mouth "my grandmother won't tell me who im courting" "oh don't mind her i'm sure it will reveal soon" 

The day after Stella and lady danbury spoke to queen Charlotte, lady bridgerton came in Eloise room "listen i need you to do me a favour" Eloise looked at her mother confused "oh what's wrong mother" "i need you to spend more time with Stella here at the house" Eloise nodded, she had a theory but she didn't want to say anything she was hoping it would come true

"Are you sure, I feel like I should know who is courting me?" Stella said.

Stella still felt bad about the separation between Antony and Kate cause the next day after she came out Kate came to visit her "Lady Kate what can i do for you" Stella said with a smile Kate just rolled her eyes "thanks to you Anthony wants a divorce but i'm trying to avoid it" "w-w-what has this got to do with me" Stella asked confused and worried. This is just how she feared ending a divorce she didn't want to end up like her mother. After Kate shouted at her she left the house w Stella was left with tears.

ever since that day she made it her mission to avoid Anthony, she did so well but it made Anthony feel bad about himself so the night before he asked eloise what time Stella was coming he made sure to come in the room just before she was about to leave 

he walked in the room looked around, when he saw her laughing he smiled but his smile faded away when he saw his brother Collin sit next to her and had his arm behind her

All he kept thinking about was 'was it too late? Did i miss my chance with her'

Violet saw her son look sad, she had a confused look on her face so when she looked at what he was looking at her worst fear came out but at the same time she saw how happy her other son looked 

Violet was so confused on what to do, which son should she make happy and the other upset?

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now