chapter 27

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trigger warning: misscarage

Stella was put on bed rest for until the twins were born which was stressing her out 

Stella was daydream until she heard the voice of her daughter 

Sybil: mama whats wrong 

Stella: nothing sweetheart you ok 

Sybil: can you take me for a walk 

Stella: i wish was i was aloud but the doctor said that i'm not aloud to leave the bed until the babies are born

Sybil: and when will that be

Stella: i don't

Before she could finish her sentence, she had a bad feeling so she ran to the bathroom and saw blood coming out of her

Sybil: mama whats wrong 

Stella took a deep breath then spoke 

Stella: go get violet and tell her i said it was an emergency 

Sybil ran downstairs and got violet as she told her the words Stella told her, violet and daphne ran up stairs to the bedroom and when they couldn't find her the next place they checked was the bathroom and they found Stella on the floor crying with her head leaning on her legs

Stella looked up at them with tears running down her face 

Stella: i loss them, the twins, they left me 

Violet wrapped her arms around Stella tightly 

Daphne: i'll go get Anthony i think he needs to know

A/N: sorry if that made you uncomfortable but just warning you now there will be discussion of miscarriage in the next chapter as well  

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now