chapter 31

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Anthony took the doctor home while violet helped me down stairs to sit with everyone

Daphne: how are you feeling

Benedict: what did the doctor say

Collin: did he say we need to do anything

Violet: alright alright let the girl breath 

I smiled at violet

Stella: he said i'm still pregnant but once the baby i born there gonna do some tests on me to see why i randomly looked like i was you know 

Say the word was hard for me and especially since i thought i had it as well you know 

Violet explained to them everything the doctor said and just as she finished Anthony came in and sat next to me

Just as we was all laughing at something Collin said about Benedict the door opened 

Lady Danbury: i heard the doctor came for my granddaughter and rush right over as fast as i could

Stella: grandma I'm ok now

Lady danbury: nonsense what happened Anthony 

Anthony explained to her what happened as wrapped his arms tightly around his wife pulling her in as closely as possible to him 

A/N: get ready cause the next chapter is the last 

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