chapter 18

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Lady Featherington took Stella back to the Bridgeton house just as she knocked on the door the door flew open

Lady featherington: i found this one been thrown on the floor

Violet: oh my goddess thank you someone call Anthony down now 

All the housemaids went running around the house looking for Anthony and when he saw Stella he locked his lips onto her which confused lady Featherington

after about a few minutes he kept one arm around his waist 

Anthony: thank you lady featherington how can i ever repay you

lady Featherington: you can explain to me what's going on

Just before any of them could speak Sybil comes running in 

Sybil: mummy your back

Lady Featherington eyes flew open but what left her more shock was whatSybil said next 

Sybil: daddy got be a new teddy bear today

Violet: why don't we have some tea while we explain everything

Lady Featherington: i think that would be wise 


Lady featherington: so you two adopted her and your both married

Anthony: yes

Lady featherington: but that dont explain why i found you on the floor a few hours ago

Stella: i got kidnapped by Anthony ex wife

Anothny: i will deal with her tomorrow but for now i think we should all head to bed 

Lady Featherington: yes i should be heading home now thank you for the tea

As Lady Featherington left everyone took a deep breath out 

Stella: can't believe we told her were married

Violet: well the marriage licence from daphne married the duke runs out next week so tomorrow

Anthony: let's make it happen tomorrow morning

Stella looked at him confused, while violet took her ring off and gave it to Anthony and went down on one knee

Anthony: Stella Danbury would you do me the honour and become Stella Bridgerton

Courting by Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now