chapter 20

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Violet sent for one of the ladies to call for Anthony to come to the drawing room

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Violet sent for one of the ladies to call for Anthony to come to the drawing room

As he walked in he kissed his wife on the head and turned to his mother 

Anthony: what seems to be the problem mother

Violet: have you seen what lady whistledown has said

Anthony shook his head ad he took the paper off his mother and read it 

His face was turning red by the second. The more he read it the more angry he got 


Violet: langue 

Anthony: i don't care mother about how i bloody speak ,how did she even find out 

Eloise and Penelope walked in and sat next to Stella 

Eloise: what's wrong

Stella: lady whistledown wrote about your brother and i again

Benedict: what's her problem anyway 

Eloise: yeah it's like she has a problem with Stella

Stella started to think as she heard her in-laws spoke but what hit her the most was what Penelope said

Pen: i don't think she has any problem with her maybe she's just...nosey

That's when it hit her Stella grabbed her husband hand and took him into his office 

Anthony: whats wrong my love

Stella: i think i know who lady whistledown is

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