Part 1

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We had just found a supermarket that looked untouched, when the walkers came around the corner. I did run next to Daryl, trying to escape from the hands of the undead that did appear from everywhere now. "There!" Daryl yelled over the noise and pointed a blue minivan that was abandoned in parking lot. He opened passengers door and jumped in, and I stormed in right after him. Daryl closed the door right before walkers reached the car. We were gasping from running and walkers surrounded the car, trying to get through it. "That was close!" I puffed and realized that I was still in Daryl's lap. I climbed to the drivers seat. "We should cover the windows that those can't see us, then they will go away eventually." I nodded. "Yeah, we can handle those that won't leave. But how do we cover windows?" Daryl looked around in car. "Seat covers?" He took his knife out and started to get the fabric off from seats. I started to do the same, until Daryl suddenly stopped. "Fuck, how do get to the windows? Do you have tape?" "No." I sat down to think. "I have rope, we could make small tent." Daryl nodded and started peeling the seats again.
It's was hot day and trying to build a tent in a car was sweaty job. We manage to do it so that we could lay on the floor and walkers didn't see us anymore. "Now we need to stay quiet." I whispered. Daryl just grunted quietly and took his leather west off. He took his place in our small tent and I landed right next to him, back to back, because there wasn't more space. "We might just get some sleep. I have sleep deprivation because Jay snore so much." I whispered. Daryl did grunt answer so quietly and deeply that I more did feel it against his back than I did hear it. I knew that I was safe with Daryl so I did fall asleep almost immediately.
I did wake up because it was so hot. Walkers was still clawing the car, it made disgusting noise. I moved a little and Daryl moved too. Apparently he was awake too. It was so damn hot that I couldn't stand it, so I decided to take some clothes off. I squirmed my shirt off and put it in the bench. Then I started to squirm my jeans off and that wasn't so easy because of the sweat. Daryl noticed that I was struggling with something. "What you're doing?" he whispered. "Taking my clothes off." I groaned quietly. "Huh?!" Daryl did glance over his shoulder. "What the hell?!" He looked shocked. "It so freaking hot! We need to be here for a while and it's easier with lesser clothes. Help me with the leg." Daryl huffed but did grab my jeans leg and help me pull those off of me. I had been sleeping on my side and I wanted to lay down on my other side. So I squirmed again and I needed to lean my hands on Daryl's shoulder. He looked me but didn't say anything. Quickly I fell asleep again.
Next time I did woke up because Daryl was squirming. He tried to change position. "Turn on your other side." I suggest. "But you are on your undies." he whispered to me like I was an idiot. "So what, I don't mind." Daryl was quiet for a while and then started turn. He had to take support from me too. He did lay down again, face against mine. We did just stare each other's in the eyes. There wasn't much light in our tent so couldn't see his eye color. I remembered it was blue, probably. Something in his look made me feel suddenly heated, but in a different way than the weather. I became fully aware that I had only my bra and panties on me, and we were so close that I felt the warmth that radiated from Daryl's body. I started to breathe heavily. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Ummm... nothing. I just... well I just realized that I'm half naked and close to to hot guy. No pun intended." He didn't say anything, just looked at me. I hadn't been really shy ever, so I decided say what I was thinking. "Do you want to fuck?" I almost waited him to huff  like I was being stupid. "Those would notice." Daryl answered and nodded towards window. "Well no if we are carefully and quiet." I said back to him smirking. "I couldn't be that carefully right now." Oh. Oh! Did he mean that he wanted to take me harder? "Well damn. I would have been ready." I said. We were silent for a while. I did bite me lower lip thinking about Daryl fucking. "Try how horny I am now." Daryl looked me questioning. "Try how wet I am." I whispered again. I surprised when Daryl did so. He did slip his hand between us, in my panties and moved further. He pressed his fingers between my folds and smirked lightly. He rubbed my pussy and then he pushed his middle finger in me. I almost whined from pleasure and Daryl slammed his other hand on my mouth. He pushed his finger slowly inside me few times, before he pushed another finger in me. He started slowly fucking me with his fingers and kept his eyes on mine. I wanted more and I started move my hips faster, but Daryl whispered to me to stop, because we might move too much. "Okay, do it faster." I gasped. I was soaking wet and when he started to finger me faster, it started to squelch and he had slow down again. I felt that I was going crazy. I wanted to ride so badly. But Daryl kept fingering me patiently with his intense stare. I tried to get my hands on him, but he pushed my hands away with his other hand and locked them from my wrists against car seat, above my head. That turned me on even more. My muscles started to tense and I felt that I was coming soon. When orgasm hit me, my pussy squeezed around Daryl's fingers and my legs were shaking. It was hard to be quiet, I wanted to scream, so did bite teeth together. Daryl smiled and pushed his finger few times more to making me having after shakes. When he pulled his fingers out, he just wiped them on his trousers and I almost laughed. Well, no one did stay clean in this world, when we were on run. I was glad that I did had shower at morning.
When I did catch a breath little, I whispered to Daryl "your turn" and started to move my hand towards his crotch. "No" he jus grunted and grabbed my hand. "Okay. Are you sure?" He just grunted gruffly. Alright, no release for him then.
I felt relaxed and I did fall asleep again. Eventually Daryl did wake me up carefully. "I think that most of the walkers are gone." Okay, back to business.

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