Part 38

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Our trip to smaller communities had take way longer than we expected, because he had some trouble every now and then and some of the soldiers were injured. When we were heading back to Commonwealth, we lost our radio contact. That didn't worry us so much, but when got closer and heard explosions and saw fire glowing in horizon, we started hurrying.
Part of our thriving community was destroyed and ruins were still burning when we arrived at the dawn, but big part still fine. Other soldiers told us most of what had happened. I found Jerry and he told me where I could find Daryl, kids and Carol. I was worrying sick when I run to find them. Judith was pale and she had arm sling. She was leaning to Daryl, who had terrible black eye. But they were alive.

I couldn't believe how much had happened when I was on mission. Dead had come to Commonwealth, our governor had shot little Judith, there was working train, some kind of slavery and many kinds of weird and terrible stuff. I was shocked. "Unbelievable. This... I... I don't know what to say." "I need a smoke." Daryl said getting up and moved his head to tell me to follow him. Outside he light up cigarette and sighed. He looked beaten up, literally. "Are you okay?" I asked. Daryl just grunted. "Your eye looks terrible. You must have terrible headache." "I've been better. I gave blood to Judith and this..." he pointed his eye. "I'll manage. But Judith... She needs more now than I can offer. She need good bed and..." Daryl said eyes closed, and sighed frustratedly. "You and kids can come to my place, kids can sleep in my bed." I said without hesitation. "Yeah?" Daryl asked. "Absolutely." I smiled gently. "Dixon!" Someone holler behind me and walked closer. Voice sounded oddly familiar, like in my distant memory. "How's the kid?" asked tall man that stopped next to me. "Getting better." Daryl said. I looked at the man. "What a hell?! Negan?!" I yelled annoyed when I recognize him. He was more thin and had gray hair, but his appearance was still quite same. "Oh, have we met?" man turned to look at me. "Yes. Unfortunately." I said behind my teeth. "Sorry, who might you be?" Negan asked looking down to me. "You probably won't know my name, because you called me sleeping beauty." I tilted my head. Negan processed what I said. "Sleeping beauty. In Sanctuary? Fuck... I remember you now. You were injured." he said thinking. "Oh shit, you were one of my wife's little while... Gorgeous tits, those I do remember." Negan smirked deviously and his eyes did automatically get down on my body when he remembered. Daryl stepped between us, facing Negan. "Hey, don't look so angry Dixon, I'm not doing any harm now." Negan said surprised. "Daryl, it's fine." I said and placed my hand on his shoulder. Daryl didn't move, he was staring at Negan. "Why are you... oh fuck me! Is this your girl, Dixon? No way in hell! I didn't know you have one." Negan said laughter in his voice. Negan looked at me again and he noticed something. "That necklace you have... it said Daryl. You had it at Sanctuary, I remember because I was so pissed off because he escaped... " he pointed Daryl and stopped talking. I could see from his face how he did put pieces together. "Were you... wait. No way. Did you two know before you ended up in Sanctuary?" "Yes. I lived in Alexandria." I answered. "Shit. So you really were his girl already?" Negan asked and covered his mouth with his hand. We didn't say yes or no, we didn't need to explain anything to him. "So you both were in Sanctuary at the same time... I really am a piece of shit." Negan said when he realized that he had oppressed and fucked me at same time when Daryl was tortured by his orders. "I'm sorry. I really am. I have no excuses." Negan said looking sad. He did seemed to be serious. Daryl had told me that Negan was in prison long time and had eventually help them. But I had lost so much because of this man. "I didn't see you at Alexandria, what happened?" Negan asked stepping back. "Long story. I stayed at Sanctuary at first, but they didn't approve me because of you..." I started to answering to Negan but I remembered something. "What happened to that asshole, Justin?" I asked looking Daryl. "He died, Oceanside take revenge. But before that I hit him with a pan." Daryl told and I started to laugh. "With a pan?" "It was first thing that I found when I started to beat him." Daryl said casually and shrugged. Negan rolled his eyes and went inside to see Judith.

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