Part 22

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Enjoying the speed on the back of the Daryl's bike was so great after long time. After suffocating Sanctuary this really felt freedom. I noticed that Daryl enjoyed this too. This was his world, bike and nature. I didn't have a clue where we were going, I trusted that Daryl knows what he is doing and where to go. After driving a good while Daryl turned to small road and stopped the bike. We did get off the bike and Daryl hide it the bushes, because we had to walk for not scare the animals away. Few walkers had heard the bike and headed towards us. While Daryl did place his bike, I did go took those zombies down, hitting them with my machete. That blade felt good in my hand again. We started to walk through the small road deeper in the woods. "I kinda miss being on the road. Not the bad parts, but you know." I said. "Yeah." Daryl just said. He did know. After walking for a while we noticed an abandoned farm. "That's probably robbed already but should we check?" I suggested. "There might be tools or something for Hilltop." Daryl agreed and we headed to the farm.
House was in bad condition, there had been walkers inside and they had been killed a good while ago. "This house is robbed and ruined." I said and Daryl nodded. We did look at the barn next. There was some stuff for a farm and hay. Lots of hay. "Oh, here's so much food for horses! We got to tell to Rick about this place." I was happy. Daryl took his backpack off and found a map and marked the place in that.
That barn was clear of walkers and the doors could be latched from the inside too, so I did close them. "What are you doing?" Daryl asked. "I did secure us. Maybe we can take a little time..." I said and dropped my backpack. Daryl just looked at me, hair had fallen on his face again. I walked in front of his and pushed him few steps back against the wall, and grabbed his hunting knife from his belt. I did hit it in the wall next to Daryl's head, taking care that I don't stab him. Daryl didn't even flinch but his eyes darkened and breathing got heavier. He knew what this was. "Open my belt and jeans." I commanded him keeping my hand on the handle of the knife. He started to opening my clothes, fully aware that the sharp knife was next to him. "Use your fingers." I said almost whispering. Daryl took his hand inside my pants, pressing them a little lower. His middle finger was quickly between my folds and I smiled to him, looking him in his eyes. Daryl started to rub my clitoris so gently that I groaned. He did shake his head so that his hair did get off his face and he looked at me intensely. I started to get really wet and when Daryl added more fingers in my pussy, it was ready. He did slowly push his two fingers inside my opening and started to move them back and forth. I gasped a little and mouth stayed open. Daryl did stare my mouth while he was fingering me slowly. I pulled the knife from the wall and placed it against his chest, the flat side resting on his leather vest. "I need it roughly." I groaned to him. Daryl looked at the knife and figured out how much he could move and lifted his eyes back to mine. He started to fingering me faster and harder, my juices making it squelching. I couldn't lean on the hand that I had the knife, so I leaned my other hand on Daryl's shoulder and spread my legs more. It felt so good and our eye contact did give a little extra to the moment. He was basically hitting his hand against my cunt and I started to feel feral. "I need more. Fuck me." I said panting. Daryl smirked and when I took the knife off of his chest, so that he could move, he grabbed it from my hand. I gasped surprised and opened my mouth wide open faking shocked. Daryl did use the chance and quickly pulled his hand away from my pussy shoved his fingers in my mouth, pushing them deep. "Ummmhh..." I was surprised but I liked that Daryl did take control. He quickly moved behind me. "Pull your pants down." he said coarsely. I did squirm my pants so down that my ass was bare, and Daryl slapped it. He pushed me leaning against the wall and I heard him opening his own pants. Soon I felt his dick against my pussy when he guided it in. His cock stretched me just right amount and I sighed for pleasure when it slide between my walls. I felt how the knife did found it's place when it's cold blade touched my skin, it's was flat side against my ass and Daryl was holding it tightly. His other hand grabbed me from my waist and he started fuck me fast and hard, slamming his body against my ass. I needed to lean against my hands a lot, because it felt that my legs can't keep me up in that ride. Daryl poked my insides so good that started moaning. I wanted push my ass back at him, but I was aware of the knife and I didn't dare to move. Daryl was thrusting with all force groaning. My hand slipped against the wall and my body moved, and I felt a little pain on my skin. I realized that knife had cut me a little. Daryl noticed it too and stopped. "Sorry, you are bleeding..." "Don't stop. If it's not deep cut, don't stop." I panted. Daryl started thrusting again, more feral. He moved his hand from my waist to hair and grabbed fistful, pulling my head back. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his rough fucking. My cunt was soaking wet from lust. Daryl started growling and he pushed few times really hard and pulled his cock out. He groaned loudly and I felt hot cum landing on my ass. Daryl took the knife away and let my head down. He was panting when he shoved his dick back in his pants. "Now give me something to wipe that cum. I'm not pulling my pants up before." I said and looked at him. Daryl smirked. "Sorry for the cut." he said softly. "Well it's a risk when play with sharp blades. Is it big cut or small one?" Daryl did get on his knees and looked closer the wound. "It's not deep, not bad. It will heal. It's bleeding a little." I felt how he did move his finger close the wound. I nodded. "Okay, good." Daryl did get up and grabbed my chin on his hand and pressed his finger on my lips, moving it over my mouth. He grinned looking devious. I did lick my lips and I tasted cum and blood. I looked Daryl lifting my eyebrow. He seemed to like it but was also looking unsure. I felt the same. It was forbidden but also kinda... hot. I reached to touch my asscheek and got blood and cum on fingers. I pressed them on Daryl's mouth. He looked me in the eyes and opened his mouth. I pushed my three fingers in his mouth and he licked my every finger. "Fuck..." I sighed looking him. I hadn't ever feel this kind of lust than with this man. When my fingers were clean, Daryl kneeled again behind me and licked my ass. I gasped loudly for the idea of him licking slowly cum and blood from my asscheek, and I wished that I could see that. He placed his hand between my legs and pushed three fingers inside me. I whined surprised and pushed automatically myself towards his hand. Daryl did bite hard for that. "Ouch!!!" I quipped. "Don't move." Daryl growled and kept pumping his fingers in my pussy. He started again licking my ass and I did lean my head back. I was so wet that even his three thick fingers did move smoothly. He placed his thumb on my anus, giving pressure to it. I whimpered and tried to stay at my place when his fingers were in my squelching pussy, but I couldn't not to move my hips. Daryl bite my ass again hard. Not breaking skin, but it hurt and it made me scream a little. "I need to come, please I need to come..." I was begging for Daryl. He wrapped his other arm around me and took his fingers on my clitoris. He started rubbing it roughly and leaned his head against my ass, still fingering me with his other hand. I gasped and I didn't know what to do. Everything felt so good that my head was spinning. Daryl started to use his hands even harder and I did get massive orgasm. My back arched and I probably couldn't stand if Daryl wasn't holding me from waist against him. My body did get tense and I squeezed my thighs together and that just made Daryl's fingers pressing more in to me, and that made me shaking uncontrollably. I tried gasping air and when I finally got it back in my lungs, I moaned desperately. Daryl moved his fingers on my clit causing more shaking and whining.
When I got my pants up, I flopped in to a haystack. "Oh my goodness... that was... wow." I said still panting. Daryl did lay next to me. "We are crazy." I said shaking my head. "Probably." Daryl answered. "I wouldn't ever believe how much orgasms I would get after apocalypse did happen. And that sentence sounds crazy too." Daryl chuckled. "Would we have ever met without this?" he asked. "Who knows? Maybe. In some small bar, wasted ass hell." Then I added "But we wouldn't been the same persons that we are now." Daryl grunted. We did lay there for a while. "We should go hunting. People needs food." Daryl sighed and we did get up. I noticed that close at door, on the wall was hanging fishing nets. "Is here river on pond nearby?" I asked. "Quite near. Why?" I took the nets down. "Maybe I could try these." Daryl looked at me. "Do you know to use those?" I smirked "Probably not but I got some ideas that I could try." Daryl laughed. "Sure, you can try. I'll hunt near the river."

I was gutting fish when Daryl did came back to me at river. "Did you actually get something?" he asked. "Yea." I pointed fishes. "I did put net back in the river, if I would catch some more." Daryl looked the river where the old plastic cans where holding the net up. "How did you put it in there?" "With a boat." I pointed to the bushes behind me where I had found a small boat. "I didn't know that you have this kind of skills." Daryl said and started to gut another fish. "Me neither. But I was with my grandpa when I was a kid, I guess I did store some memories." Daryl seemed to be thinking. "Maybe we should let that net to be over night and check it at morning." I stopped. "Do you mean that we should be night out here?" "Yeah. It seems quite peaceful, not many walkers. If you get more fish at the morning, I can go hunting again while you gut those." Daryl said and I saw that he wanted to sleep outside. Weather was good and it was peaceful. And it was going to get dark soon. "Okay. But make some traps or something for walkers so that we can hear if they come."

"Did you catch anything?" I asked when Daryl started to make a small campfire for cooking fish. "Yeah. Few rabbits and squirrels." "Does Rick know that we are staying over the night?" Daryl huffed. "He knows when we don't come back tonight. He knows what it's like out here." Daryl said nonchalantly. "Like fucking and making nice campfire by the river?" I laughed. Daryl grunted.
We did sleep surprisingly well. Once Daryl did wake up and quietly took down two walkers and came back to sleep. We had our backpacks as an pillows and blanket under us. It was enough for that night.

At next afternoon we did get back to the Sanctuary. Rick looked like he was about to snap something but then he saw how big our backpacks were and I was holding a extra bag in my hand. "Food." I just said to him and walked pass him. People were so happy when they did get meat and fish. Rick did give orders not to eat everything at once and about drying some of it. We had been lucky and had more fish and Daryl got few small animals. "What did you do while Daryl did get all that? Kept your cunt warm and juicy?" Justin scoffed at me. I knew it, he didn't like that I got away with Daryl for a while. "I'm sorry if it's so hard for you to believe that I could do something useful. I guess you don't have to eat those fishes because apparently I didn't get those." I snapped and did go to clean up and change my clothes.

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