Part 17

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I had no idea what day it was. Most of the people had gone somewhere. Later some of them came back with new people. Long haired nice looking man came in to my room and looked at me. "Hi, are you injured?" "Yes, but getting better. What's happening?" I asked confused. "Negan isn't in charge anymore. I get someone to see you." man said and go hurrying away. I was terrified. He had said Negan wasn't in charge anymore and he probably was the only thing that kept me safe here. Soon I heard woman saying "Hey, I heard that here's woman with injur-..." When I turned my head she stopped talking shocked. "Tara!" I whispered eyes wide open. "Is it really you?!" Tara yelled and run to hugging me. "What.. How..." I tried to make a question, but Tara was already heading out. "I got to tell Daryl!" she quipped. Daryl? Was Daryl here? I didn't know what to think. Thoughts run in my head and I didn't catch any of them. Then I heard someone running in the hall with heavy steps and Daryl stormed to the room. I started to cry when I saw him and he hugged me tightly. I wrapped my better arm around him and I felt relief.

"How the hell are you here?" Daryl l asked confused. "I could ask same thing! What's going on?" I asked wiping my tears. "Are you injured, did I now hurt you?" Daryl looked at me. "My hand and leg is broken and other leg has deep wound, but everything is already getting better, almost healed." I told to him. "How did you end up here?" I explained the accident on the road and that the saviors had bring me there. "But what you are doing here? Where's Negan?" Daryl's eyes darkened when I mentioned Negan. He did explain shortly main things about war against saviors, with some communities that they get to know. So much had happened. So many people had been lost. I leaned on my bed to processing all that he told. Quietly looking in his hands Daryl told that Negan had take him to prisoner and they had tried to break him. I felt sick when I heard how they had treated him, and I started to cry again. Probably he didn't even tell me everything. I saw that a single tear rolled on Daryl's dirty cheek leaving a trail, so I took his hand in mine. How could I ever tell him that I had been that man's so called wife who had tortured him and cruelly killed our friends?

I was moved to sleep next to Daryl, in bigger bed, but mood was different. We had both been through too much. One night when we went to sleep, we managed to roll in the bed at same time so that we bumped together. Daryl wrapped his hand over me when I bumped in his chest and kept me there. I leaned my head against his chest, it felt familiar and good. Daryl started to caress my back. Slowly his hand moved over my side and he gently touched the side of my breast. That made me remember Negan groping my breasts and I remembered that Daryl didn't know. I flinched and I pulled myself further. "Ummm... I need to tell something. I haven't dare to tell you." Daryl looked at me confused. "What? You know that you can talk to me." I did get up to sit. "When I woke up injured, I had to choose how to pay my treatment." I started to tell him what had happened with Negan. I didn't have courage to look Daryl. He got up to sit too and was quiet. When I had told everything, we just sat in the silence in the opposite sides of the bed. Tears rolled on my face and I felt that I was alone again. "Why didn't you tell earlier?" Daryl asked with quiet growling. "How could I?! When I heard what had happened to you, I just couldn't." I started to cry out loud. "If you had told, I would have already killed him and he wouldn't be wasting food at the cell in Alexandria!" Daryl growled loud. "I'm so sorry. I... I go somewhere else to sleep and I'll try get a ride to somewhere as soon as..." I cried and got up and took a few steps. "Why?" Daryl interrupted me. "What?" I stopped confused. "Why do you go?" he asked angrily and looked at me. "I... I understand that you don't want to be near me because I submitted to Negan." I was sobbing. "It wasn't your fault." he said with much softer tone. "You didn't want it and you were injured in bed. You choose the better option so you could try to escape. He used you." Daryl said staring me and got up. He came closer and hugged me. "I didn't want either to be at tortured, but death of mine or one of our group was the other choice, so I did as they told. It's not that different." Daryl told and I realized what he meant. "You are my best friend and I didn't want to hurt you..." I mumbled against his shoulder. "It's not your fault that he's a monster. I blamed myself about Glenn's death, but Maggie made me realize that the fault was in Negan. He is sick." Daryl said caressing my back again.
Daryl did get me back to bed and we talked about things. "Did he... you know... many times?" Daryl asked awkwardly. "No, actually once. I guess you guys kept him busy. And the other wives that were healthy and could go to him. One time I got saved by my necklace that had your name. Apparently you had just escaped and he was pissed. I didn't realize it then but now I can put the things together." Daryl reached to touch my necklace. "Good." he said. "What was it like?" I really didn't want to tell, but I did it still. "He just quickly pleased himself and I was dry as Sahara. I felt violated." We were silent. I didn't want to talk about it anymore. "I would like forget it." I sighed. "How would you feel if I would help you to forget? Give you better memories." Daryl asked looking me eyes glimmering. I was surprised. "Are you serious?" "Yeah." I didn't expect him to forgive me, let alone anything else. "I would really want it, but... I would need to find the right mood." I sighed again. Daryl nodded, he understood. "Let's just sleep now." Daryl came closer, and I did fall asleep in his warmth, knowing that he was protecting me. First time after I did go to the trip, I did sleep well.

Things started to change. Most of the people in sanctuary were still same, but it was under Rick's command and Daryl was supervising it. I did get on my two feet. I had to be careful but still. I could do smaller task and help keeping the things running. I got to know that sanctuary was a huge factory and everything was made of concrete. It was safer than many other places but it was depressing place. But I stayed so I could heal properly and because my best friend in the world was there.

At one night Daryl was really angry and frustrated, and he was pacing in the small room. One of the saviors had done today something idiotic again and he had to sort it out. "I wish that we never had come across these damn saviors!" he growled. "Yeah, I feel the same. I wish that we could get back in the time before I left to the trip with..." I stopped talking. Daryl stepped in front of me when I sat on the bed. "How about that forgetting?" It took me a moment before I realized what he meant. "Yes. Let's make better memories." I nodded. Daryl started to take his vest and shirt off, kicking his shoes off at the same time. I did take off my clothes too, leaving just underwear on. Daryl was staring at me whole the time and then he crawled over me to the bed. I reached to kiss him. First gently, but soon that kiss turned more desperate. We both needed this, we wanted it. Daryl started to humping me and I could feel that his cock was already hard. I lifted my pelvis against him and grabbed his shoulders with my hands. I did separate my mouth from his. "Get your trousers off man!" I said and when he did so, I lifted my ass so that I could slide my panties off. When got rid off the clothes, Daryl did came on top of me again. He kissed me and took his hand on my pussy, moving his hand slowly. When he spread my folds with his fingers I whined against his mouth and wrapped my arms around his neck. He started to tease my clitoris and he flicked his tongue against mine at same rhythm as his fingers did on clit. All I could think was his touch and the lust that I felt. I started to move my hips and Daryl took that hint. He moved his position a little and guided his cock to my opening. He rubbed his dick against me at first, before he started to pushing it in me. That felt so good that I moaned. Daryl's rock hard cock filled me and we wrapped our hands around each other's, craving to touch and feel, craving to fuck. Daryl started pounding his cock in my completely wet pussy and I started to move in same rhythm. We were both breathing heavily. Pace was fast but steady, his cock moved like a piston in me, pumping back and forth. I did sink my fingers in his back and that made him groaning. Then Daryl did get on his knees and placed his thumb on my clitoris, keeping still fucking me. He started to rub it and I gasped. He looked at my pussy, how his cock moved in my wetness. When he started rubbing my clit harder, I moaned. "Come, come for me." Daryl growled and I saw how his eyes were glimmering behind his hair that fall on his face. I placed my hand over his and I pressed my fingers on his thumb, guiding it. Daryl started to look desperate and he gasped air. He couldn't hold anymore and cummed in me with force. Daryl moaned loudly. When he pushed his cock deep and his jerking body released hot cum in me, that made me cum and I squeezed myself around him. Daryl collapsed on me panting. "Ooooh my goooood..." I whined legs shaking. Then Daryl rolled next to me and sighed deep. "That was good." he said. "Yes. Can we do it again sometime?" I suggested. "Yeah, definitely." We looked at each other's. "Same rules as before?" Daryl suggested. "Fine by me." I smirked.

Next morning I did wake up more relaxed. When I opened my eyes, I saw Daryl's back and noticed that my nails had scratched him. "Shit." I whispered. "Huh?" "Are you awake?" Daryl just grunted. "It seems that last night I scratch your back with my nails. Even though my nails aren't that long." I looked at my fingers. "Well there's other marks too." Daryl said laconically. I felt immediately bad, I didn't want to remind him of the old scars. Why did I said it?! Daryl turned on his back and when I saw his face, I realized that he didn't think old scars, he just lived with the fact. "I guess I should go to see what's going on, but..." Daryl stretch and smirked to me. I lifted my eyebrow. Of course then someone banged the door. "Daryl, you need to come here!" someone shouted. Daryl sighed and yelled "Yeah!" He did get up and started to put clothes on. I rolled on on stomach in the middle of the bed and watched him. "Maybe we need to reschedule this one." I smiled. Daryl grunted and slapped my ass when walked pass the bed. "Get up."

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